Maryland Historical Records Advisory Board (MHRAB)
About Us
The MHRAB was established in 1976 to serve as the central advisory body for reviewing grant proposals submitted by state and local governmental entities or private record repositories to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). The Board is an adjunct to the Maryland State Archives (MdSA), and staff support is provided by MdSA. Eleven of the twelve Board members are appointed by the State Archivist to three-year terms. The Maryland State Archivist serves as ex-officio as the State Historical Records Coordinator and Chair of the Board.
Our Mission Statement
Recognizing the cultural diversity of the state, the MHRAB serves the people of Maryland by advocating for the preservation of historical and electronic records, supporting public access to these cultural resources, and promoting the training of archival custodians.
Related Links
Records Management | Records Preservation | Handling Guide | Disaster Recovery | Conservation Tape and Iron Gall Ink
The MHRAB Board meets two to three time each year to discuss matters that may affect the general archival community and explore the ways of providing appropriate assistance to Maryland institutions. The generous grant support of the NHPRC helps to underwrite the meetings.
2011 Maryland Institutional Survey
The MHRAB developed a needs assessment survey with the purpose of:
- identifying the historical records needs of Maryland historical records repositories
- identifying how electronic records are currently being archived
- identifying processing projects or other activities that require funding
In April 2011, an eighteen question survey was mailed to over four hundred institutions throughout Maryland. The results may be reviewed here.
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