Disaster Recovery
When diasters like earthquakes or floods strike, historic and cultural institutions suffer just as regular people do. Archivists, conservators, historians, curators, and librarians all do their part to prevent damages to their buildings and collections. But when the worst happens having a plan can help mitigate the damage.
Further information on disaster preparedness and relief:
- American Institute for Conservation's (AIC) website on disaster response and recovery
- National Archives and Records Administration's resources for Response and Recovery
- Smithsonian Institution Archives Emergency Preparedness
- National Archives and Records Administration's resources for Response and Recovery
- National Archives and Records Administration's General Information on What to Do with Wet Records
- The Northeast Document Conservation Center's Procedures for Emergency Salvage of Wet Books and Records
- National Heritage Responders (NHR) Rapid Response Team for Cultural Institutions, formerly the American Institute for Conservation - Collections Emergency Response Team (AIC-CERT) Tip Sheets.
- Mold and Mildew: Prevention of Microorganism Growth In Museum Collections
- Fire Protection in Cultural Institutions
- Disaster Recovery Vendor List

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