Volunteer/Academic Credit Internship Program
Archival Management, Historical Research, & Electronic Archives
Who: High school, undergraduate or graduate level college students seeking full or part-time field studies, co-ops, academic credit, professional mentoring and/or community service hours. Please provide the following for consideration via email:
- Cover letter (stating your interest, potential start date and approximate schedule)
- Volunteer Application Form - may be downloaded here: (PDF Format) | (Word Format)
What: Interns will engage in a variety of activities related to processing, managing, and interpreting archival collections. Individual intern assignments will vary, but duties may include reference, conservation, research, art history/handling, writing, web design, electronic imaging, computer programming and testing, record transcription, inventorying, cataloging and accessioning. The intern program includes a heavy focus on the application of computer technology to both the historical method and archival practice.
Where: Applicants should be prepared for the potential for both remote and on-site work. Whether or not an intern will be able to work in the Archives’ Annapolis or Woodlawn facilities will be determined as we approach the volunteer start date. As some or all work may be remote, applicants should have access to a computer with internet connectivity to be prepared to complete off-site assignments.
When: Internships are ongoing throughout the academic year and as well as during the summer. Please note in your cover letter your availability including proposed start and end dates as well as the number of days per week and hours per day you are able to volunteer. For students seeking academic and community service credit, field study, and co-op opportunities, please note the sponsoring institution's guidelines and requirements for credit in the cover letter.
How: Send all application materials via email to the Internship coordinator. Please include a letter of intent and availability with each application. It is not necessary to be a history major to participate in the program, and students of other disciplines are encouraged to apply including computer science related fields.
Questions: Email the Internship coordinator.
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