Source:  All Sources : Combined Federal & State Case Law - U.S. : Federal and State Caselaw
Terms:  potomac river   (Edit Search)
cases 1-25 cases 26-50   cases 51-75  cases 76-100
Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 76. Aitcheson v. Endless Chain Dredge,  District Court, E.D. Virginia,  40 F. 253; 1889 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 183,  October 17, 1889 

CORE TERMS: vessel, dredge, river, water, admiralty, libelant, libel, rem, admiralty jurisdiction, compact... 

... now lying in the Potomac river, above the long bridge which ... 
... vessel for them; (3) that the Potomac river, in which the dredge lies, is ... 
... seized upon that part of the Potomac river lying between the District of ... 
... Without reference to said compact, the Potomac river being a great ... 
... navigation formed by the Potomac river from Georgetown to the Chesapeake bay, the ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 77. Alex. & F. R. Co.'s Trustees v. Graham,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA,  72 Va. 769; 1879 Va. LEXIS 37; 31 Gratt. 769,  March, 1879 

CORE TERMS: railway, railroad, deed of trust, constructed, bridge, deed, conveyed, embraced, terminus, lateral... 

... Long bridge across the Potomac river opposite the city of Washington. That ... 
... railway to a point on the Potomac river, between Alexandria and Washington ... 
... Alexandria to a point on the Potomac river, between Alexandria and Washington ... 
... Long bridge across the Potomac river, opposite to Washington city, ... 
... Long bridge across the Potomac river, opposite Washington city, which ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 78. STEINBRAKER v. CROUSE,  No. 46,  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  169 Md. 453; 182 A. 448; 1936 Md. LEXIS 48,  January 15, 1936, Decided 

CORE TERMS: vessels, abandoned, hulls, metal, salvaging, burned, abandonment, salvage, stockholders, wreckage... 

... vessels so bought were floated to the Potomac river and anchored in Mallow's Bay, an indenture of the Potomac River, opposite and almost surrounded ... 
... in Mallow's Bay, Potomac River, about two hundred ... 
... in Mallow's Bay, Potomac river, now used for ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 79. Upper S. B. Co. v. Blake,  No. 88.,  COURT OF APPEALS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  2 App. D.C. 51; 1893 U.S. App. LEXIS 3072,  October 6, 1893, Submitted,  December 8, 1893, Decided 

CORE TERMS: wharf, vessel, maritime, maritime contract, admiralty jurisdiction, wharfage, ship, admiralty, wharves, cognizable... 

... in Washington city, into the Potomac river"; subject to the action of said engineer ... 
... steamboat running upon the Potomac river of which the respondents are owners; that such possession has been ... 
... good and substantial wharf on the Potomac river, in the city of Washington, on the ... 
... wharves along the shore of the Potomac river, within the District of Columbia, with ... 

Warning-Negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 80. GUNTHER v. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO.,  Civ. A. No. 182-M,  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF WEST VIRGINIA, AT MARTINSBURG,  157 F. Supp. 25; 1957 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 2444,  December 12, 1957 

CORE TERMS: testing, blasting, explosive, test site, interrogatory, site, personal injuries, real property, nuisance, crack... 

... operating buildings, and known as the Potomac River Works. This plant is the most ... 
... another plant known as the Potomac River Laboratory, used for the ... 
... large part of the production of the Potomac River Works consists of an explosive ... 
... quantities of explosives on the grounds of the Potomac River Works. However, one of the characteristics of ... 
... quantities. Since the buildings of the Potomac River Works are more or less ... 
... Samuel Walker, Director of the Potomac River Laboratory, inspected several ... 
... special permission from the director of the Potomac River Laboratory. On a few ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 81. STATE v. NORRIS,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  70 Md. 91; 16 A. 445; 1889 Md. LEXIS 10,  January 9, 1889, Decided 

CORE TERMS: assignment of error, indictment, demurrer, writ of error, plainly, constitutional provision, subject-matter, supposed, Code of Public General Laws, constitutional requirement... 

... sand and gravel from the bed of the Potomac River, and the punishment therefor, is within the ... 
... relating to the pollution of the water of the Potomac River, near the mouth of Wills ... 
... described at all. There is nothing to indicate that the Potomac River is referred to at all, or that it is intended to create and ... 
... sand and gravel from the bed of the Potomac River, and prescribing the punishment for the ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 82. UNITED STATES v. GREAT FALLS MFG. CO.,  SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,  112 U.S. 645; 5 S. Ct. 306; 1884 U.S. LEXIS 1913; 28 L. Ed. 846,  Argued December 1, 1884.,  December 22, 1884, Decided 

OVERVIEW: Where defendant government took plaintiff's property without condemnation proceedings and without asserting title thereto, the law implied a promise by the government to make the required compensation to the property owner. 

CORE TERMS: claimant, dam, public use, water, condemnation, aqueduct, implied contract, arbitration, property rights, occupation... 

... Conn's Island divided the Potomac River into two unequal channels, ... 
... for the conveyance of water from the Potomac River, above the Great Falls, to the ... 
... across the Maryland branch of the Potomac River, near the Great Falls, and ... 
... complete the dam in the Potomac River at the head of the aqueduct, from the shore to ... 
... for the diversion of the water from the Potomac River," his immediate predecessor, "with a ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 83. Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. Johl & Bergman,  No. 32917.,  SUPREME COURT OF MISSISSIPPI, DIVISION A,  180 Miss. 593; 177 So. 778; 1938 Miss. LEXIS 6,  January 3, 1938, Decided 

CORE TERMS: shipment, flood, carrier, yard, water, shoe, damaged, westbound, carton, unprecedented... 

... Brunswick, Md. The overflow was from the Potomac river, the area of which is 14,638 square ... 
... showers in the watershed of the Potomac river which saturated the area with water, ... 
... flood stages in the Potomac river basin, but the rainfall on the ... 
... afternoon of the 18th, the waters of the Potomac river at a point near ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 84. Steuart Inv. Co. v. Board of Comm'rs,  No. 1079, September Term, 1976,  Court of Special Appeals of Maryland,  38 Md. App. 381; 381 A.2d 1174; 1978 Md. App. LEXIS 313,  January 10, 1978, Decided 

CORE TERMS: site plan, regulation, environmental impact, ordinance, site, final order, prerequisite, through-put, industrial, water... 

... Vance in behalf of Potomac River Association, Inc.Joseph ... 
... Maryland Geological Survey, Potomac River Fisheries Commission, Interstate Commission on Potomac River Basin, and Chesapeake Biological ... 
... applicable regulations. Only the Potomac River Fisheries Commission opposed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 85. Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. United States,  No. B-73,  UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS,  60 Ct. Cl. 359; 1925 U.S. Ct. Cl. LEXIS 543,  February 16, 1925, Decided 

CORE TERMS: fare, military, territory, railroad, tariff, auditor, route, transportation, basing, interterritorial... 

... Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers and points in Texas to and from which ... 
... Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers and points in Texas to and from which ... 
... Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers, and destined to Texas points, and ... 
... Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers to points in Texas and ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 86. Garrett County Comm'rs v. Blackburn,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  105 Md. 226; 66 A. 31; 1907 Md. LEXIS 25,  February 28, 1907, Decided 

CORE TERMS: bridge, prayer, repair, built, unsafe, river, guard, rails, duty, feet... 

... a bridge across the Potomac river leading from Garrett County, ... 
... bridge built across the Potomac river on the Maryland side to the West ... 
... Garrett County, over the Potomac river to the village of Blaine, West ... 
... county bridge over the Potomac river from the village of Kitzmillersville to Blaine, on the ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 87. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO CANAL CO. v. GROVE,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  11 G. & J. 398; 1841 Md. LEXIS 30,  June, 1841, Decided 

CORE TERMS: inquisition, appropriation, condemnation, contingent, estimating, condemned, remote, water, pool 

... freshets occurred in the Potomac River, which overflowed the land of the plaintiff; the ... 
... west four perches, to the Potomac River, thence down said stream with the ... 
... by the backing of the water of the Potomac River, by the erection or height of said ... 
... increased height of the water of the Potomac River, in the pool of a ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 88. Lodge's Lessee v. Lee,  SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,  10 U.S. 237; 1810 U.S. LEXIS 336; 3 L. Ed. 210; 6 Cranch 237,  FEBRUARY, 1810 TERM 
... part of an island in the Potomac river, called Eden, but ... 
... by name, in the Potomac River, superadding the courses and distances of the ... 
... by name, in the Potomac river, superadding the courses and distances of the ... 
Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 89. MANN v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  No. 1289.,  COURT OF APPEALS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  22 App. D.C. 138; 1903 U.S. App. LEXIS 5518,  May 5, 1903, Submitted,  June 2, 1903, Decided,  A writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States was prayed by the defendant in error and allowed June 26, 1903. 

CORE TERMS: removal, animal, dead, dead body, regulation, disposal, dispose, lawfully, river, odors... 

... Long bridge over the Potomac river to a place in the State of Virginia, near the Potomac river, about 2 miles ... 
... in Virginia near the Potomac river about 2 miles ... 
... in question is so near to the Potomac river that persons passing upon the ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 90. Middlekauff v. Le Compte,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  149 Md. 621; 132 A. 48; 1926 Md. LEXIS 158,  January 14, 1926, Decided 

CORE TERMS: fish, river, compact, navigation, water, pot, tide, stream, preservation, regulations... 

Fish In Potomac River--Compact With Virginia--Relief ... 
... preservation of fish in the Potomac River shall be made with the consent and ... 
... upper, unnavigable portion of the Potomac River, and upon a threat of ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 91. RAYNER v. STATE,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  52 Md. 368; 1879 Md. LEXIS 115,  July 15, 1879, Decided 

CORE TERMS: writ of error, right of appeal, common law jurisdiction, jurisdiction to hear, writ of certiorari, judgment of affirmance, special jurisdiction, unconstitutionality, regularly, peace... 

... creek, a tributary of the Potomac River, between Maryland Point ... 
... in a part of the Potomac river to a very small minority of the ... 
... creek, one of the tributaries of the Potomac river, between the points named ... 
... County, or committed upon the Potomac river, by persons not ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 92. SEUFFERLE v. MACFARLAND,  No. 1639.,  COURT OF APPEALS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  28 App. D.C. 94; 1906 U.S. App. LEXIS 5222,  March 9, 1906, Submitted,  June 13, 1906, Decided 

CORE TERMS: sewer, outfall, right of way, sewage, river, whole tract, appurtenances, odors, exhalations, market value... 

... near Giesboro point on the Potomac river. Under chapter 15 of the ... 
... sewer will enter the Potomac river. The appellant, one of the respondents, ... 
... low-water mark of the Potomac river, where the tide ebbs and flows,--the ... 
... plan, the tides and waters of the Potomac river, by their natural action, ... 
... plan, the tides and waters of the Potomac river, by their natural action, ... 
... reasonably be expected to prevent the Potomac river near its capitol city from ... 

93. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO CANAL ASSN., INC. v. FHA,  Civil Action No. 90-0967 (HHG),  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  1990 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12500,  September 21, 1990, Decided,  September 21, 1990, Filed 

CORE TERMS: bridge, crossing, grade-separated, replacement, park, canal, categorical, expensive, temporary, preliminary injunction... 

... Ford Bridge spanning the Potomac River and connecting Cumberland, Maryland to ... 
... improving traffic between the Potomac River and Cumberland's central business ... 
... share the same crossing of the Potomac River as the proposed roadway solution ... 
... Canal in addition to the Potomac River, to allow canal boats to ... 
... extension of this bridge, which would also span the Potomac River floodplain, was found to be cost- ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 94. Great Falls Mfg. Co. v. Garland,  Circuit Court, D. Maryland,  25 F. 521; 1885 U.S. App. LEXIS 2287,  July 28, 1885 

CORE TERMS: water-rights, secretary of war, water, dam, condemnation, claimant, notice, river, court of claims, act of congress... 

... Conn's island, and across the Potomac river from Conn's island to the Virginia ... 
... near the Great Falls of the Potomac river, in Maryland. The complaint of the ... 
... water-rights in the Potomac river belonging to the complainant, and through his ... 
... a dam across the Potomac river at Great Falls, including the ... 
... water it was proposed to divert from the Potomac river for the use of the proposed ... 
... great a flow as the Potomac river at the Great Falls. It is also contended that the ... 

Cited and neutral analysis indicated Click to Shepardize® 95. Bier & Mann v. Dozier,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA,  65 Va. 1; 1873 Va. LEXIS 1; 24 Gratt. 1,  November, 1873 

CORE TERMS: tobacco, barn, declaration, burned, bacon, blockade, night, river, criminis, particeps... 

... D, living near the Potomac river in W. county, to ... 
... gunboats and vessels of war on the Potomac river had been informed of the fact that said tobacco was so ... 
... plaintiff, situate near the Potomac river, in the county of Westmoreland, ... 
... plaintiff resided near the Potomac river, and was in the habit of entertaining at his ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 96. C. & O. C. CO. v. GREAT FALLS P.C.,  Supreme Court of Virginia,  143 Va. 697; 129 S.E. 731; 1925 Va. LEXIS 299,  October 1, 1925 

CORE TERMS: canal, strip, charter, adverse possession, railroad, vested, right of way, deed, abandonment, condemnation... 

... Great Falls, in the Potomac river, and for constructing dams therein, ... 
... commencing on the western bank of the Potomac river seventy-three poles ... 
... strip, brought by the Potomac River Power Company, a ... 
... Company and all who claim under it and the Potomac River Power Company and all who claim ... 
... person or corporation in said Potomac river, or the waters thereof; provided the acceptance of this ... 
... wholly to the north bank of the Potomac river, in its properties in that ... 
... transferred to the Maryland shore of the Potomac river. Taking up this proposition on its ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 97. BRENNAN CONSTR. CO. v. CUMBERLAND,  No. 1761.,  COURT OF APPEALS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  29 App. D.C. 554; 1907 U.S. App. LEXIS 5484,  April 9, 1907, Submitted,  May 7, 1907, Decided 

CORE TERMS: river, neighbor, tanks, oil, escaped, naturally, water, street, explosive, petroleum... 

... injuriously permitted to escape into the Potomac river from certain property possessed and ... 
... boats, and their boathouse was located on the Potomac river, at the foot of F street, ... 
... flow into or be deposited in the Potomac river within the District. Code, ... 
... think not. And yet the Potomac river is a public highway, and the ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 98. McGarr v. Baltimore Area Council, Boy Scouts, Inc.,  No. 732, September Term, 1987,  Court of Special Appeals of Maryland,  74 Md. App. 127; 536 A.2d 728; 1988 Md. App. LEXIS 47,  February 5, 1988,  Certiorari Denied June 16, 1988. 

CORE TERMS: scout, lodge, invitee, troop, tree, precipice, camping, scoutmaster, warning, feet... 

... sits on a peninsula, with the Potomac River to the south and Sideling Hill ... 
... 600 and 700 feet; the Potomac River, about 1,000 feet ... 
... a path parallel to the Potomac River. Mr. Fowler, apparently, ... 
... continue on the approved hike to the Potomac River -- was able to stop a ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 99. Potomac Power Co. v. Burchell,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA,  109 Va. 676; 64 S.E. 982; 1909 Va. LEXIS 81,  June 10, 1909 

CORE TERMS: confirmed, forfeiture, relieve, vested, revert, condemnation proceeding, ascertained, special warranty, title acquired, parcel of land... 

The Potomac River Power Company, in ... 
... following order was entered: "Potomac River Power Co. v. ... 
... Power Company, the successor of the Potomac River Power Company, filed its ... 

Cited and neutral analysis indicated Click to Shepardize® 100. NYAZIE v. KENNEDY,  CIVIL ACTION NO. 97-0120,  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA,  1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12030,  July 27, 1998, Decided,  July 27, 1998, Filed, Entered 

CORE TERMS: bifurcation, park, judicial economy, convenience, duplicative, warning, phase, river, rocks, administrator... 

... Washington Memorial Parkway. The Potomac River runs through the park and, ... 
... enjoy the scenic view of the Potomac River." Plaintiffs' Complaint, at P5 ( ... 
... Directly in front of them was the Potomac River which veered into a ten to ... 

Source:  All Sources : Combined Federal & State Case Law - U.S. : Federal and State Caselaw
Terms:  potomac river   (Edit Search)
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