Source:  All Sources : Combined Federal & State Case Law - U.S. : Federal and State Caselaw
Terms:  potomac river   (Edit Search)
cases 1-25 cases 26-50   cases 51-75  cases 76-100
Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 26. United States use of Washington Acqueduct v. Great Falls Mfg. Co.,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  21 Md. 119; 1864 Md. LEXIS 99,  February 24, 1864, Decided 

CORE TERMS: dam, right to purchase, priority of right, condemnation, caveat, water, site, Act of Congress, reservoirs, conferred... 

... Great Falls in the Potomac River, and upon the soil of the State of ... 
... covered by the waters of the Potomac River, and the bed of said river, and the water ... 
... covered by the waters of the Potomac River, the right of the public cannot be ... 
... determined to draw the water from the Potomac River in Maryland, and a ... 
... legislative grant of the bed of the Potomac River, (for purposes almost ... 
... included in the grant. The Potomac River is boatable far above that ... 
... Angell also at sec. 536, "The Potomac River is part of the jus publicum," & ... 
... Angell, as expressly declaring the Potomac River to be "navigable as a public ... 
... Maryland to the land at the bottom of the Potomac River to high water mark on the ... 
... acts, to draw the water from the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, at ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 27. United States v. Herbert Bryant, Inc.,  No. 75-1440,  UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT,  177 U.S. App. D.C. 152; 543 F.2d 299; 1976 U.S. App. LEXIS 8171,  April 8, 1976, Argued,  July 6, 1976, Decided 

CORE TERMS: high-water, waterfront, pier-head, boundary line, quiet title, ceded, jurisdictional, eastern district, high water, submerged... 

... high water mark of the Potomac River, as such lands extend into the River. . . ." ... 
... mark on the Virginia side of the Potomac River as of 24 January 1791. Any ... 
... in, under, and adjacent to the Potomac River, the Anacostia River or Eastern ... 
... artificially and perhaps naturally) into the Potomac River at several places, and jurisdictional ... 
... bed, marshes, and lowlands of the Potomac River, and other lands as described ... 
... fast lands along the Potomac River within the boundaries of the District of ... 
... high-water mark of the Potomac River on the Virginia side as of 24 ... 
... along the farther bank of the Potomac River. Marine Railway & Coal ... 
... high water mark of the Potomac River as it existed in 1791." ... 
... high water mark of the Potomac River on the Virginia side as of January ... 
... mark on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River and following the present mean ... 
... Channel to the main body of the Potomac River, along the Virginia side of the Potomac River across the mouths of all tributaries ... 
... bed, marshes, and lowlands of the Potomac River, and other lands as described ... 
... situated on the Virginia side of the Potomac River lying between the boundary ... 
... bed, marshes, and lowlands of the Potomac River, and other lands as described ... 
... title cases concerning the Potomac River generally and reaffirms this Court's ... 
... title cases concerning the Potomac River generally and reaffirms this Court's ... 
... in, under, and adjacent to the Potomac River . . . ." See Act of October ... 
... title cases concerning the Potomac River and land located in the ... 
... Columbia. Thus, all the cases concerning Potomac River disputes are cognizable in this ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 28. BARNES v. STATE,  No. 120, October Term, 1945,  Court of Appeals of Maryland,  186 Md. 287; 47 A.2d 50; 1946 Md. LEXIS 203,  April 11, 1946, Decided 

CORE TERMS: compact, river, water, shore, fishing, admiralty, doubtful, offenses committed, vessel, steamboat... 

... Rape -- Steamboat Running on Potomac River -- Jurisdiction -- Venue -- Compact of ... 
... Maryland and Virginia agreed that the Potomac River up to low-water ... 
... criminal offenses on the waters of the Potomac River, other than offenses under the ... 
... a steamboat running on the Potomac River, and passing through such county, ... 
... a steamboat running on the Potomac River, from Norfolk to Washington, and passing ... 
... kind with which he is charged, occurring on the Potomac River, if against a citizen of the ... 
... both states claimed the Potomac River, and both also claimed a ... 
... jurisdiction over the waters of the Potomac River, the Pocomoke River, and certain ... 
... Lord Baltimore included the Potomac River to high water mark on the ... 
... interpretation of the Virginia grants was that the Potomac River should be divided between the states ... 
... not until 1877, therefore, that the Potomac River boundary between the two ... 
... merchant vessels navigating the Potomac River shall enter and clear at ... 
... property in the shores of the Potomac River adjoining their lands and the privilege of ... 
... mark on the southern shore of the Potomac River, with a straight line ... 
... by Virginia over the Potomac River, as provided in the tenth ... 
... relating to fishing in the Potomac River, but not as to any other ... 
... before him was whether the Compact applied to the Potomac River above tidewater. He determined that it did ... 
... Maryland could have any operation in the Potomac River, affecting the fishing therein, unless such ... 
... citizens in the waters of the Potomac River and of Pocomoke Sound and the Pocomoke ... 
... opposite was the case with respect to the Potomac River. This is a construction different from that ... 
... Maryland, alleged to have been committed on the Potomac River of that County. The main question ... 
... ground of continuous exercise. The Potomac River belonged to Maryland by the ... 
... several counties lying on the Potomac River exercised a common ... 
... concurrent jurisdiction. The court then said "And the Potomac River being part of the state, and ... 
... over offenses committed on the Potomac River, if any such recognition be needed."In ... 
... courts of Maryland over the Potomac River, it noted that question, and said that if the objection to the ... 
... mark on the Virginia side of the Potomac River opposite the District of Columbia. ... 
... jurisdiction over the parts of the Potomac River shore which belonged to Virginia. The ... 
... time to time. See "Potomac River Statutes," Virginia Code of ... 
... cases which might occur on the Potomac River, was repealed. In the same ... 
... claimed jurisdiction over the Potomac River because it was still claimed to be within the ... 
... fishing acts, committed on the Potomac River.The Maryland situation is entirely ... 
... limits of the state across the Potomac River, which would be to low water mark on the ... 
... 25, refers only to the Potomac River, which was within county limits. ... 
... jurisdiction over offenses on the Potomac River ceased by operation of ... 
... Courts have no such authority, then the Potomac River becomes a highway ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 29. MacFarland v. Washington, A. & M. V. R. Co.,  No. 1089.,  COURT OF APPEALS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  18 App. D.C. 456; 1901 U.S. App. LEXIS 5079,  June 4, 1901, Submitted,  June 18, 1901, Decided 

CORE TERMS: street, track, switch, regulation, decree, grounded, restraining order, underground, appliances, generator... 

... electric power, between the Potomac river and Mount Vernon. By ... 
... Line street railway to the Potomac river, thence across the same. This ... 
... Stat. 488), the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company acquired the ... 
... appellee relies: "Said Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company shall, at its ... 
... in the event that the said Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company shall ... 
... follows:"They admit that the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company is part of ... 
... decree requiring the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company to put ... 
... obtaining current from the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company, and, while this is ... 

Cited and neutral analysis indicated Click to Shepardize® 30. HOLDEN v. UNITED STATES,  No. 1323.,  COURT OF APPEALS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  24 App. D.C. 318; 1904 U.S. App. LEXIS 5339,  October 11, 1904, Submitted,  December 13, 1904, Decided 

CORE TERMS: water, river, tar, coal tar, oil, discharged, mixed, quantity, waste, tank... 

... works of his company to flow into the Potomac river, in violation of sec. ... 
... gas works to flow into the Potomac river, that court properly adopts ... 
... discharge of waste products into the Potomac river, it was the object of Congress, not ... 
... works and other works into the Potomac river within the District of Columbia, ... 
... against the pollution of the waters of the Potomac river and its tributaries, within the District of ... 
... a certain tributary of the Potomac river, within said District, known ... 
... name of the Eastern branch of the Potomac river, against the form of the statute, ... 
... river, which is a tributary of the Potomac river, in the District of Columbia, at ... 
... river, a tributary of the Potomac river, in said District, then its judgment should be that of ... 
... tar and oil into the water of the Potomac river or its tributaries was prohibited thereby. But the ... 
... for the protection of the waters of the Potomac river and its tributaries, within this District, ... 
... Spawning Ground in the Potomac River in said District, and for ... 
... against the pollution of the waters of the Potomac river, or any of its tributaries, in the District, ... 
... in Rock creek, or the Potomac river, or any of its tributaries within the District of ... 
... materials in the waters of the Potomac river or its tributaries, then all must have a ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 31. UNITED STATES ex rel. GREATHOUSE v. HURLEY,  No. 5692,  Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia,  61 App. D.C. 360; 63 F.2d 137; 1933 U.S. App. LEXIS 3343, Argued December 5, 1932,  January 16, 1933, Decided 

CORE TERMS: river, compact, wharf, shore, navigation, water, cession, high-water, wharves, front... 

... a wharf in the Potomac river on the Virginia shore, and within the ... 
... mutual use of the waters of the Potomac river, and whether or not this compact is in ... 
... jurisdiction and control over the Potomac river within the District to the high- ... 
... above quoted, applies to the Potomac river within the District of Columbia, as to all ... 
... land bordering upon the Potomac river can acquire a ... 
... front of said property into and in the Potomac River for the loading and unloading of ... 
... use and occupancy of the shores of the Potomac River within the District of Columbia ... 
... over and along the shores of the Potomac River in front of relator's ... 
... fee of the south bank of the Potomac River within the limits of the District of ... 
... water mark of 1792 of the Potomac River."The National Capital Park ... 
... center line of channel of the Potomac River in the District of Columbia, ... 
... a wharf in the Potomac river on the Virginia shore in ... 
... navigation in the waters of the Potomac river and recommended the granting of the permit. The ... 
... in Virginia, binding on the Potomac river, and which by accretions has been extended from its ... 
... Virginia side binding on the Potomac river to have access to the channel line ... 
... boundary line in the Potomac river between the two states should be at ... 
... boundary on the south side of the Potomac river shall extend to high- ... 
... Columbia embrace the bed of the Potomac river to the Virginia bank, but at the ... 
... owning land binding on the Potomac river, and that this right included the right to ... 
... front of their private property. The Potomac river from its mouth to the District of Columbia ... 
... landowner of the water front of the Potomac river on the Virginia side was granted all the ... 
... Virginia bank bordering the Potomac river, whose right to wharf out ... 

Warning-Negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 32. Esso Standard Oil Co. v. Oil Screw Tug Maluco 1,  Nos. 8037, 8057,  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA, NORFOLK DIVISION,  212 F. Supp. 449; 1963 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7696,  January 16, 1963 

CORE TERMS: tanker, tug, feet, channel, vessel, cofferdam, barge, abutment, collision, signal... 

... course of construction across the Potomac River between Jones Point on the ... 
... Woodrow Wilson Bridge the Potomac River runs approximately north and ... 
... west (or Alexandria) side of the Potomac River.The ESSO POTOMAC is a ... 
... tug had been operating in the Potomac River area for approximately ... 
... years working around the Potomac River and her tributaries; he likewise held ... 
... erected, extending eastwardly into the Potomac River from the Alexandria side. Cofferdam ... 
... vessels proceeding north on the Potomac River are somewhat confused by the ... 
... Vessels heading north on the Potomac River pass Rosier Bluff -- ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 33. Adams v. Clinton,  CASE NUMBER 1:98CV01665,  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22848,  June 30, 1998, Filed 

CORE TERMS: enclave, resident, republican, apportioned, sovereign, south-west, federal government, home rule, elected, equal protection... 

... square miles straddling the Potomac River.14. In 1791, ... 
... north-east or southwest of the Potomac River, and of the United States.16. ... 
... south-west shore of the Potomac River.20. Retrocession of this area of the ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River to the State of Virginia for ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River has been fully integrated into the political ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River any of the depredations which it imposes on the remaining ... 
... lying north-east of the Potomac River.60. No federal ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River, or to treat any Plaintiff differently than it ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River, or to treat any Plaintiff differently than it ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River.66. Despite the fact that there is ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River and now in the State of ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River and now in the State of ... 
... District of Columbia southwest of the Potomac River.69. These actions of Congress ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River, which actions of the Congress and all the Defendants ... 
... lying south-west of the Potomac River.76. Specifically, such inclusions are ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River.77. Specifically, Defendant ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River.80. Specifically, the apportionments ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River.83. Specifically, Defendant ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River, but which Rolls have not ... 
... District south-west of the Potomac River and now in Virginia, and ... 
... Columbia south-west of the Potomac River have been apportioned to congressional districts, ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 34. MEARS v. COLONIAL BEACH,  Supreme Court of Virginia,  166 Va. 278; 184 S.E. 175; 1936 Va. LEXIS 185,  March 12, 1936 

CORE TERMS: ordinance, nuisance, injunction, pier, beer garden, low water, restrain, enjoin, shore, river... 

... mark off the shore of the Potomac river opposite the town, in ... 
... mark off the shore of the Potomac river opposite the town, in ... 
... off the southern shore of the Potomac river and opposite the said town. The allegation is that the ... 
... located on the south side of the Potomac river in Westmoreland county, ... 
... in, or upon the shore of the Potomac river beyond low water ... 
... mark on the south side of the Potomac river is the boundary line between ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 35. Marine R. & C. Co. v. United States,  No. 3312,  Court of Appeals of District of Columbia,  49 App. D.C. 285; 265 F. 437; 1920 U.S. App. LEXIS 1414,  Submitted March 3, 1920,  April 5, 1920, Decided 

CORE TERMS: river, soil, compact, bed, reclaimed, low-water, water, high-water, shore, tidewater... 

... high-water line of the Potomac river within a cove or ... 
... appropriation for "improving Potomac river at Alexandria, Virginia, in ... 
... province of Maryland, embracing the Potomac river, the soil under it, and the islands therein to the ...
... situated upon the freshness of the Potomac river on the west side thereof above the ... 
... Island, extending down the Potomac river various courses 3,152 ... 
... Columbia extends over the Potomac river to the line of high water on the ... 
... Virginia over the bed of the Potomac river. By the compact of 1785 ... 
... in the soil beneath the Potomac river. Nor is this affected by section ... 
... power to preserve the navigation of the Potomac river, within their jurisdiction, to erect, ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 36. Richmond, F. & P. R.R. v. United States,  No. 90-750L,  UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS,  27 Fed. Cl. 275; 1992 U.S. Claims LEXIS 199,  November 24, 1992, Filed 

CORE TERMS: covenant, indenture, railroad, park service, easement, parkway, quitclaim, yard, track, highway... 

... along the western shore of the Potomac River that was below the high-tide ... 
... along the western shore of the Potomac River. In 1930 and 1932 ... 
... property on the western shore of the Potomac River to the Government, including a ... 
... comprising a portion of the Potomac River known as Roaches Run or ... 
... bridgehead on the western shore of the Potomac River, and land in and near the ... 
... title to property along Potomac River" subject to the passage of legislation ... 
... along the Virginia shore of the Potomac River between the Highway Bridge and ... 
... in, under, and adjacent to the Potomac River. After the passage of the 1934 ... 
... in, under and adjacent to [the] Potomac River by making equitable ... 
... began on fill in the Potomac River east and north of the cove of ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 37. Ex parte MARSH,  Circuit Court, E.D. Virginia,  57 F. 719; 1893 U.S. App. LEXIS 2202,  September 18, 1893 

CORE TERMS: river, oyster, compact, water, fish, common right, mile, boundary line, regulation, fishing... 

... Maryland. We turn now to the Potomac river, on the western side of the Chesapeake ... 
... tide-water portions of the Potomac river to the two states made it ... 
... common interests in the Potomac river, which was a common boundary ... 
... property in the shores of Potomac river adjoining their lands, with all emoluments and ... 
... take oysters in the Potomac river and in the Pocomoke river, ... 
... right of fishery, in which the Potomac river, only, is mentioned, and the reasons ... 
... performance of quarantine in the Potomac river. The second embraces laws and ... 
... open the channel and navigation of the Potomac, and also of the river Pocomoke, within the limits of ... 
... right of fishery in the Potomac river, followed up that provision with ... 
... for fishing, in the Potomac river, having the sanction of mutual consent and ... 
... unlawful fishing" in the Potomac river. He contended that he was entitled to be tried ... 
... regulation of fishing in the Potomac river, and because another law, passed ... 
... trial related exclusively to the Potomac river. It involved the question of the common ... 
... right of fishing in the Potomac river, passed in pursuance of the ... 
... offense charged to have been committed on the Potomac river, used the following language: " ... 
... fish in the river Potomac or the river Pocomoke, within the limits of ... 

Caution-Possible negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 38. Mealey v. Mayor, etc., of Hagerstown,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  92 Md. 741; 48 A. 746; 1901 Md. LEXIS 133,  February 21, 1901, Decided 

CORE TERMS: plant, municipality, lighting, electric light, renewal, assign, street, electric power, municipal, An Act... 

... developed a site on the Potomac River or a central station with ... 
... sand and gravel from the bed of the Potomac River and prescribing the punishment for its ... 
... Nos. 4 or 5 on the Potomac River or any other site on the Potomac River, or any other sort of central ... 
... like capacity to the one on the Potomac River, to supply electric power ... 
... developed one of the sites on the Potomac River "or any other sort of central ... 
... like capacity to the one on the Potomac River, to supply electric power ... 
... like capacity to the site on the Potomac River, and is now able and ready to ... 
... developed one of the sites on the Potomac River, or a central station of ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 39. Shenandoah V. R.R. v. Shepherd,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS OF WEST VIRGINIA, CHARLESTOWN,  26 W. Va. 672; 1885 W. Va. LEXIS 104,  September 8, 1885, Submitted,  October 2, 1885, Decided 

CORE TERMS: railroad, bridge, abutment, tract, river, estimate, mill, proprietor, island, residue... 

... long lying on the bank of the Potomac river at Shepherdstown in said county ... 
... railroad company where it crosses the Potomac river, as well as for damage to the ... 
... streets of Shepherdstown, if they were extended to the Potomac river, and belonging to these defendants and all claimed ... 
... Potomac and extending down the Potomac river in an easterly direction some ... 
... wide and is a cliff on the Potomac river. The land to be taken by the ... 
... streets of Shepherdstown, if they were extended to the Potomac river, the point where this narrow slip or " ... 
... between the extension of these streets to the Potomac river, is from fifty to seventy-five ... 
... street in Shepherdstown to the Potomac river, where there is a county-bridge ...
... a run, which empties into the Potomac river 200 yards from the railroad- ... 
... runs along the bank of the Potomac river opposite Shepherdstown, and from this fact an ... 
... a bridge across the Potomac river at $ 950.00, as they, it would seem, must have ... 

Warning-Negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 40. Committee of 100 on Federal City v. Hodel,  Civil Action No. 85-0059,  UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,  611 F. Supp. 547; 1985 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 19345,  May 30, 1985 

CORE TERMS: easement, park, national park, height, summary judgment, adjacent, exchanged, parcel, park service, national park service... 

... situated along the banks of the Potomac River and Rock Creek. The surrender of the ... 
... land situated on the shore of the Potomac River bordering Washington, D. C. The entire shoreline of the Potomac River in the District is owned and ... 
... Waterfront extends along the Potomac River from the Potomac Palisades to the west and ... 
... Street, N.W., and north of the Potomac River.n6 Lot 81, ... 
... federal government, along the Potomac River known as the "Mole."n8 The ... 
... easements on its property along the Potomac River and Rock Creek, provide ... 
... federal property along the Potomac River west of 31st Street, ... 
... Streets, N.W. on the north, the Potomac River on the south, Rock Creek and ... 
... Rock Creek Park or the Potomac River. This injury is independent of the plaintiffs' ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 41. SPEAKE v. SHEPPARD,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  6 H. & J. 81; 1823 Md. LEXIS 23,  JUNE TERM, 1823, Decided 

CORE TERMS: declaration, special agreement, landing, declare, wood, farm, gate, haul, indebitatus assumpsit, special contract... 

... through her farm to her landing on the Potomac river, in Charles county, the ... 
... occupation of the landing of the plaintiff on the Potomac river, and by her to him let for ... 
... plaintiff to the landing of the plaintiff on Potomac river, and would permit him to cord up his said ... 
... through her farm to her landing on the Potomac river in Charles county, the ... 
... use and occupation of her landing on the Potomac river, as a wood landing. The ... 

42. Board of Sup'rs v. Goolrick,  Record No. 3399,  Supreme Court of Virginia,  188 Va. 662; 51 S.E.2d 247; 1949 Va. LEXIS 237,  January 10, 1949 

CORE TERMS: strip, discontinued, forest, farm, public way, reserved, board of supervisors, reservation, unloading, loading... 

... attrition by the waters of the Potomac River has rendered it physically impossible ever ... 
... confluence of Acquia creek and the Potomac river, an old wharf, and a ... 
... No. 1, along the Potomac river for 500 feet, was ... 
... lots, with riparian rights on the Potomac river, and the two twenty-five- ... 
... only access that the county had to the Potomac river was across that part of the tract ... 
... attrition by the waters of the Potomac River has rendered it physically impossible ever ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 43. POTOMAC SAND & GRAVEL CO. v. GOVERNOR OF MARYLAND,  No. 35 (Adv.), September Term, 1972,  Court of Appeals of Maryland,  266 Md. 358; 293 A.2d 241; 1972 Md. LEXIS 742; 2 ELR 20101,  July 6, 1972, Decided 

CORE TERMS: dredging, wetlands, gravel, sand, dredge, water, fish, Laws Of Maryland, Wetlands Act, police power... 

... in the drainage system of the Potomac River. It is one of the finest freshwater ... 
... due to the ebb and flow of the Potomac River, is located entirely within the Potomac River. While Potomac Company's ... 
... trees protruding from the center of the Potomac River), Potomac Company acknowledges ... 
... strips of land bordering on the Potomac River, one of which is ninety feet ... 
... other material from the bed of the Potomac River, from its mouth to the uppermost boundary ... 
... other material from the bed of the Potomac river, from its mouth to the uppermost boundary ... 
... away of sand and gravel from the Potomac River by enacting Laws of ... 
... excepted riparian owners on the Potomac River from Chapter 362's ... 
... other material from the bed of the Potomac River, from its mouth to the uppermost boundary ... 
... owner of lands bordering on said Potomac River, or for any person or corporation with whom such ... 
... in relation to the rest of the Potomac River. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -End Footnotes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The current ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 44. SMOOT SAND & GRAVEL CORP. v. WASHINGTON AIRPORT, INC.,  No. 678,  SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,  283 U.S. 348; 51 S. Ct. 474; 1931 U.S. LEXIS 837; 75 L. Ed. 1109,  April 17, 1931, Argued,  May 4, 1931, Decided 

CORE TERMS: compact, low water, decree, boundary line, high water, shores, river, prescription, arbitration, definitely... 

... watermark on the Virginia side of the Potomac river opposite the District of Columbia are ... 
... citizens in regard to the Potomac river.
... mark on the Virginia side of the Potomac River opposite the District of Columbia. It was ... 
... along the farther bank of the Potomac River. Marine Railway & Coal ... 
... by them to recover land on the Potomac River front at Alexandria originally ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 45. PENNSYLVANIA STEEL CO. v. NACE,  [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL],  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  113 Md. 460; 77 A. 1121; 1910 Md. LEXIS 76,  June 23, 1910, Decided 

CORE TERMS: pier, concrete, bridge, girder, engineer, steel, traveler, duty, harden, prayer... 

... being constructed across the Potomac River at Williamsport, as testified to by the ... 
... hurled and threw the plaintiff into the Potomac River below, whereby the plaintiff was injured, if the ... 
... a bridge across the Potomac River. The bridge company had employed ... 
... toll bridge across the Potomac river, at Williamsport, between Berkeley ... 
... a bridge across the Potomac river, at Williamsport, in the county and ... 
... each other across said Potomac river; that this plaintiff was then and there employed by the ... 

Cited and neutral analysis indicated Click to Shepardize® 46. UNITED STATES v. JOHNSON,  No. 12,958,  United States Court of Military Appeals,  10 U.S.C.M.A. 630; 1959 CMA LEXIS 231; 28 C.M.R. 196,  August 28, 1959 

CORE TERMS: court-martial, duty, commander, charge sheet, board of review, law officer, signature, regulation, custodian, sworn... 

... together with a letterorder to the Potomac River Naval Command. The acompanying ... 
... charge sheet:"Headquarters, Potomac River Naval Command, Designation of ... 
... District Legal OfficerPotomac River Naval CommandSignature, ... 
... charges, a member of the Potomac River Naval Command -- an issue we ... 
... instant case was Commandant of the Potomac River Naval Command, and there is no ... 
... evidence of the accused's transfer to the Potomac River Naval Command. In ... 
... transferring accused "to the Commandant, Potomac River Naval Command for ... 
... evidence of accused's transfer to the Potomac River Naval Command.For the ... 

Warning-Negative treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 47. WASHINGTON AIRPORT, Inc. v. SMOOT SAND & GRAVEL CORP.,  No. 3026,  Circuit Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit,  44 F.2d 342; 1930 U.S. App. LEXIS 3365,  October 21, 1930 

CORE TERMS: virginia, river, compact, shore, ceded, low-water, headland, low water, territory, high-water... 

... mark on the Virginia side of the Potomac river opposite the District of Columbia. The ... 
... Comfort. This, of course, embraced all of the Potomac river and much territory beyond. ... 
... Neck of Virginia, including "the Potomac River and all the islands within the outermost ... 
... rights of their citizens in the Potomac River and other waters, article ... 
... boundary on the south side of the Potomac river shall extend to high- ... 
... construction of an aqueduct over the Potomac river, on the ground that the piers of the aqueduct ... 
... Lord Baltimore embraced the Potomac river to high-water mark on the ... 

Citation information available Click to Shepardize® 48. State Dep't of Natural Resources v. Kellum,  No. 93-1030,  UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT,  51 F.3d 1220; 1995 U.S. App. LEXIS 8855; 1995 AMC 2378; 26 ELR 20347,  December 9, 1993, Argued,  April 18, 1995, Decided 

CORE TERMS: oyster bar, maritime tort, federal maritime law, barge, maritime law, vessel, navigable waters, stranding, maritime, fault... 

... Department of Natural Resources and the Potomac River Fisheries Commission, and imposing ... 
... in tidewater of the lower Potomac River within the State of Maryland. We ... 
... headed south down the Potomac River toward its final destination ... 
... Breton Bay in the Potomac River. After the barge had been refloated and was ... 
... within the navigable tidewaters of the Potomac River. There is no question but that the ... 
... under the navigable tidewaters of the Potomac River within the State of Maryland and is ... 

Cited and neutral analysis indicated Click to Shepardize® 49. Hazen v. Washington R. & E. Co.,  No. 6079,  United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia,  64 App. D.C. 57; 74 F.2d 461; 1934 U.S. App. LEXIS 3991,  Argued May 8, 1934,  October 1, 1934, Decided 

CORE TERMS: bridge, repairs, railway, one-half, underfloor, tracks, rails, reconstruction, appropriation, pavement... 

... provisions: "Provided, That the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company shall ... 
... company was consolidated with the Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Company named ... 
... lawful obligations of the Anacostia & Potomac River Railroad Company. It is apparent that the ... 
... bridge by the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company, said company ... 
... bridge by the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company, said company ... 
... bridge by the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company," and no ... 

Positive treatment indicated Click to Shepardize® 50. Wampler v. Le Compte,  No. 30,  COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND,  159 Md. 222; 150 A. 455; 1930 Md. LEXIS 107,  May 22, 1930, Decided 

CORE TERMS: blind, water, yards, erected, front, erect, classification, bordering, distance, shore... 

... land bordering upon the Potomac River in Maryland for the ... 
... County, bordering upon the Potomac River.The bill alleges that E. ... 
... erected by him in the Potomac River, in front of his shore ... 
... Bay and in the tributaries of the Potomac River in Charles County and on the ... 
... tributary of the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River in the Counties of Charles, ... 
... appellant was in the waters of the Potomac River, where, by the statute, blinds were ... 
... essentially arbitrary."As to the waters of the Potomac River in Maryland, the privileges ... 

Source:  All Sources : Combined Federal & State Case Law - U.S. : Federal and State Caselaw
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Date/Time:  Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 9:49 AM EDT

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