Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 62
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 62
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v Sound or Bay, decision of dispute concerning fisheries therein, 45-51 River, Scarburgh's oath that it was never known as the Wighco, 17 ; shown to be identical with the Wighco, 18 and map; divided by arbitrators, 43-44 ; distinguished from the Sound, 51. POINT LOOKOUT, claimed by Virginia to be a boundary site, 41. POTOMAC RIVER, its first fountain designated in Maryland's char- ter, I I n ; one of the points- of dispute, 13, 19-23 ; its source not known in 1730, 19; its head spring identified as the Cohongoroota and marked with the Fairfax Stone, 20; con- troversy over its two branches, 25, 28, 33 ; entire river claimed by Virginia in 1859, 38 ; claimed by both States, 40, 41 ; awarded to Maryland, 43. POTT (Governor), writes to Pri-.y Council and tenders oath to Lord Baltimore, io. POWELL (Samuel W.), boundary commissioner in 1867, 37 ; reports on boundary and asserts Virginia's claims, 38. QUAKERS, intolerance of, in Virginia, 14 ; presented by Scarburgh, 16. RANDOLPH (Edmund), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER, boundary of Northern Neck, 19-2o. REVELL (Randall), land commissioner in 1661, 14. SCARBURGH (Col. Edmund), land commissioner in 1661 ; Lieuten- ant of Accomack, 14; asserts Virginia's authority on the eastern shore, 15; persecutes Quakers, 16 ; makes oath as to the location of Watkins Point; tries to acquire Maryland's territory for Virginia, member of the first boundary commis- sion, 17 ; with Philip Calvert lays down the Calvert-Scar- burgh Line, 18. SHARPE (Governor), endeavors to determine the source of the Po- tomac, 20-2I. SMITH (Capt. John), his explorations, 7 ; his map, 10 ; names Watkins Point, 16. SMITH'S ISLAND, occupied by Virginia, 15 ; claimed by Virginia, 37, 41; divided by arbitrators, 43. SmITH'$ POINT, the southern headland of the Potomac, 24 ; desig- nated a boundary site by Maryland, 32 ; by Virginia, 35 ; disputed as a boundary site by Virginia commissioners, 38 ; agreed upon by arbitrators, 43. SMITH'S TAVERN, boundary commissioners met there in 1824, 29. STONE (Thomas), commissioner on the compact of 1785, 23.