Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 61
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 61
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IV FAIRFAX, becomes possessed of the Northern Neck, tg; has buds of his grant determined and Fairfax Stone planted, 2o; claims the north branch of the Potomac; Vir- ginia succeeds to his rights and contention, 22, THOMAS Culpepper obtains a grant of land, 1g. LOVETT-Davidson Line, laid down, n 8t ; observed pending award, 42. MAP of John Smith, to; of Augustin Herrman, 18 ; of arbitrators, 42. MARRIAGE trees, designating boundary location, 35, 36. MARSHALL (John), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. MARYLAND, charter an infringement upon Virginia, 12 ; attack upon certain terms in the grant, 13 ; becomes a State and succeeds to Lord Baltimore's dispute, 22 ; accepts the north branch of the Potomac as the first fountain, 28; offers to arbitrate, 3o; threatens suit against Virginia, 31 ; offers to begin at Fairfax Stone, 1852, 33 ; her gains and losses by the award, 43; obtains release of her citizens captured in Vir- ginia, 45-46 ; seeks interpretation of compact of 1785, 48 ; loses right to fisheries in Pocomoke Sound, 51. MASON (George), commissioner on the compact of 1785, 23. MASON (T. F.) boundary commissioner in 1818, 29. MACDONALD (Col. A. W.) Boundary Commissioner in 1858, 35 ; announcement of the disappearance of-the manuscript ma- terial gathered by him in England, 39. MERCER (Governor), corresponds with Governor Monroe, 26-27 ; reports on the boundary, 28. MICHLER (Lieutenant N.), surveys and marks part of the boundary, 35 ; report, 36. MCINANOAKIN village visited by Scarburgh ; submission to Vir- ginia, 16 ; remonstrance against the maltreatment of its people, 17. MONROE (Governor), corresponds with Governor Mercer, 26-27. NELSON (Severn), prosecuted by Virginia, 49. NORTHERN NECK, granted to the Earl of St. Albans; passes to Lord Culpepper, 1g. OPIE .(H. L.), boundary commissioner in 1818, 29, OYSTER Fisheries, value, 35,- 41; the cause of dispute, 48.-51. PATUxENT (Paotuaent) River, located with reference to Watkins Point, I6. PINKNEY ( ), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. POCOMOKE Bay, mentioned in 1668, 18; exclusive right to it claimed by Virginia, 38, 41 ; divided by arbitrators, 43.