Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 63
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 63
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VI SwAxSECvT8 (Swansecut) Creek, terminal of the Culvert-Scar-- burgh Line, I8. TANGIER SOUND, its fisheries the subject of controversy, 38, 41; divided by arbitrators, 43 ; exclusive ownership asserted by Virginia, 45. TAYLOR (John), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. THORNE (Copt. William), refuses to declare allegiance to Virginia, 16. TYLER (Governor), corresponds with Governor Kent, 3o. VIRGINIA, charters and grants, ch. I ; becomes a state and takes up Fairfax's dispute, cedes territory to Maryland and title of ceded territory disputed, 22-23 ; asserts claim to North Branch and insists on beginning at Fairfax Stone, 29, 31; her proposal to begin at Fairfax Stone accepted, 33 ; peti- tions the Federal Government for a scientific survey of boundaries, 38 ; claims the Potomac, 41; what she gained and lost by the award, 43-44 ; asserts and is awarded ex- clusive fishery rights in Pocomoke Sound, 45-51. WALKER (Governor), corresponds with Governor Bowie and asserts Virginia's claim to oyster fisheries, 45 46. WASHINGTON (Bushrod), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. (General), compact of 1785 drawn in his parlor, 23. WATERS (Levin S.), boundary commissioner in 1868, 37 ; in 1870, 39• WATKINS POINT, designated in Maryland's charter, 1o-1I n; one of the subjects of dispute, 13 ; discovered and named by John Smith in i6o8, 16 ; located by a commission in 1663, x5; Scarburgh's oath as to its location; situs determined by first boundary commission, I8 ; its location in the com- pact of 1785, 24; its location disputed in 1859, 36-37 ; its southernmost and westernmost angles contended for, 37- 38, 41 ; arbitrators agree on southernmost, 43. WATTS (William), boundary commissioner in 1870, 39. WHARTON (Robert L.), prosecuted by Virginia, 49. WHYTE (William Pinkney), counsel before Board of Arbitration, 42. WIGHCo RIPER, mentioned in Maryland's charter, 11 n ; its relative position to Watkins Point, 13 ; Scarburgh's oath that it was never known as the Pocomoke,17 ; shown to be identical with the Poconoke, I8 and map. WISE (Henry A.), boundary commissioner in I87o, 39; presents claims of Virginia, 4,a.