Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 60
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 60
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III FAIRFAX STONY„ planted on the upper Potomac, 2o; proposed by Virginia as a starting point for the boundary, 29, 31 ; Mary- land agrees to the proposal, 33, 37 ; controversy concerning it falls to West Vnginia for solution, 34. FENDALL (Governor) takes office, 12. FIELD (John W.), boundary commissioner in 1867, 37 ; reports on boundary and asserts Virginia !s claims, 38. FISHERY rights in common waters and oyster troubles, ch. vii. GRAHAM (Hon. W. A.), arbitrator on the boundary 1874, 41. HARVEY (Governor), friendly toward Lord Baltimore, 12 ; acqui- esces in Maryland's encroachment on Virginia's territory, 15. HOLSTON (Robert), first boundary commission lays down a line near his lands, 18. HEADLAND, meaning of the term disputed and settled by court, 47 51. HENDEitsoN (Alexander), commissioner on compact of 1785, 23. HERRMAN (Augustin), his map, 18. HORSEY (Stephen), arrested by Scarburgh, 16. INTOLERANCE toward Catholics and Quakers in Virginia, io-14. JEFFERSON (Thomas), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. JENIFER (Daniel), commissioner on compact of 1785, 23. JENKINS (Hon. Chas. A.), arbitrator on the boundary in 1874, 41. JONES (Isaac D.), boundary commissioner in 1868, 37; and like- wise in 187o ; presents Maryland's claims and reports on the boundary, 4o; of counsel before the Board of Arbitration, 42. KING CHARLES i., grants Maryland, io; writes to George Cal- vert, 9. JAMES i, grants Virginia. 6-7. JAMES II, grants land to Lord Culpepper, I9. KELLAM (Thomas H.), boundary commissioner in 1867, 37. KENT (Governor), corresponds with Governor Tyler, 3o. KENT island controversy narrated, n 12 ; decided, 13. KEY ( ), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. LEE (Ludwell), boundary commissioner in 1795,26. LEE (Thomas J.), boundary commissioner in 1858, 35. LONDON Company, its grants, 6.-7 ; its charters annulled, 8-9. LORD BALTIMORE, applies for a grant, 9; -visits Virginia., his death, io; his successors dispute with claimants of the Northern Neck; Frederick Lord Baltimore directs Governor Sharpe to assert Maryland's rights, 2o; sets aside lands for a manor; Maryland succeeds to lie rights, 22.