Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 59
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 59
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BOWIE (Governor), corresponds with Governor Walker; obtains release of vessels captured by Virginia authorities, 45: presents,grievances of Marylanders, 46. BROOKE (Robert), boundary commissioner, 1795, 26, BROwNE (James), seizes Maryland vessels, 45. CALVERT (CeCeliuS), obtains letters patent for Maryland, 1o. (George), applies far a grant, 9 ; visits Virginia, his death, 1o. (Governor), remonstrates against Scarburgh's proceedings, appoints a commission to locate Watkins' Point, t7. (Philip), member of first boundary commission, ambas- sador to Virginia's governor and council, 17 ; with Scar- burgh lays down the Calvert-Scarburgh line, I8. CALVERT-SCAR$URGH Line laid down in x668, 18-19; retraced by Michler in 1859, 35-36 ; reaffirmed by arbitrators 1877, 43• CARROLL (Charles of Carrollton), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. CHALMERS (Ezekiel), boundary commissioner in ISIS, 29. CHASE (J. T.), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. CHARTERS and Grants, 6-12 ; of Maryland, 9 ; of the Northern Neck, 1g; of Virginia, 6; Virginia's charter annulled, 8-9. CHASE (Samuel), commissioner on compact of 1785, 23. CINQUAcg, designated in the Maryland charter, I I n ; disputed as a point in the boundary, 4o-43. CLAIBORNE (William), writes Privy Council, tenders oath to Lord Baltimore, Io. COHONGOROOTA R1vm named as source of the Potomac, 2o. COMPACT of 1785, its making and meaning, 23-25 ; its terms dis- puted and interpreted by the U. S. Supreme Court, 48-51. COOKE ( ), boundary commissioner in 1795, 26. CR$sAP (Col. Thomas), surveys and makes a map of the upper Potomac, 2o-21. DEAKINS (Francis), surveys and lays out Maryland's western lands, 25-26. DB LA CAMP (John D.), surveys part of boundary in 1859, 37. DE JARNYs'rTE (D. C.), boundary commissioner in 1870: procures missing documents from England, 39. DIxoN (Ambrose), persecuted by Scarburgh, 16. EARL OF ST. ALBANS, obtains grant of the Northern Neck, 1g. ELZ$Y (John), land comner in 1661, 14; refuses to submit to Virginia's authority, I6.