Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 56
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 56
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54 1824. Boy", JAvzs. Report to the Maryland Assem- bly, 1824. Contained in "Report and journal, etc.," of I. D. Jones, infra 1832-3. FAu1.xNxR, CuAs. J. Report to the Virginia, Assembly, 1832-3. Contained in Kercheval's "History of the Valley, etc.," supra 183¢. PIGMAN, B. S. "Report on the Southern and Western Boundaries of Maryland." Anna- polis, McNeir, 1834. 186o. MiCHIxR, N. Report to the Virginia Assembly, Virginia Senate and House Documents. Doc. No. 4,o, 186o. 186o. Lu, THOMAS J. Report to the Maryland Assem- bly, Maryland Senate Documents. Doc. No. 12, 1872. 1861. MCDONAI,D, A. W. Report to the Governor of Virginia, 1861. -Contained in Maryland Sen- ate and House Document W, 1872. 1868. JONts, I. D., et a1. "Report of the Commission- ers Appointed to Run the Line Between Mary- land and Virginia.." Annapolis, Md. Wm. Thompson, 1868: 1869-7o. Fi=,D, JNo. W., et al. Report to the Virginia House of Delegates, Document No. 8, 1869-7o. 1873. . Win, H$NRY A. "Report and Accompanying Documents of the Virginia Commissioners Appointed to Ascertain the Boundary Be- tween Maryland and Virginia." Richmond, 1873. 1874. Win, HF,NRY A., et al. "Final Report on the Maryland and ''Virginia Boundary." Rich- mond, 1874. 1874. JONES, 1. D., et W. - "Report and Journal of the Joint Commissioners to Adjust the Boundary Line of Maryland and Virginia." Annapolis, Md., 1874.