Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 57
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 57
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. S5 1877. B1,Acx, J. S., et al. "Opinion and Award of Arbitrators on the Maryland and Virginia Boundary Line." Jan. 16, 1877. Wash- ington, D. C. 1878. Jowts, I. D. Report. Maryland Senate Docu- ment N. 1878. 1889. BROWN, WM. HAND, et al. "Report of the Committee on the Western Boundary of Maryland." 1889. Baltimore. Maryland Historical Society. i89o. 1898. HoDsoN, THOS. S., et ad. "Report on Re-locating and Re-marking the Boundary - Between Maryland and Virginia," 1898. Baltimore. Hanzsche & Co. 1898. SMITH, JOHN. "History of Virginia." Richmond, Franklin Press. 2 vols. 18I9. Virginia, Acts of the General Assembly of -1822-1894. Richmond, Va. Codes of. 1819, 184.9, i86o and x873. Richmond, Va. . Compilations of Laws of, to 1894. W. W. Hening, Editor. (Statutes at- Large.) 1619-1792. Samuel Sheppard, Editor. 1793- 183o. Richmond, Va. iNra&)