Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 55
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 55
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53 KARCIIEVAL, SAMUEL. "History of the Valley of Vir- ginia" Winchester, Va. S. H. Davis, 1833. LATANE, JOHN H. "The Early Relations Between Mary- land and Virginia." Johns Hopkins Studies, Series 13, No. 3. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Press, 1895. MARYLAND. Acts of the General Assembly of, 1795- 1894. Annapolis, Md. . Compilations of Laws of, to 1894. Wm. Kilty, Editor, 1692-1799. Thomas Bacon, Editor, 1765. A. C. Hanson, Editor, 1763-1787. Kilty, Harris & Watkins, Editors, 1799-1818. MATHEWS, EDWARD BENN$TT. "The Maps and Map- Makers of Maryland." V. 2. Maryland Geological Survey. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Press, x898. MCMAHON, JOHN V. L. "An Historical View of the Government of Maryland." Baltimore. F. Lucas, x83 I. NEIu, EDWARD D. "The History. of the Virginia Com- pany of London." Albany, N. Y. Joel Munsell, 1869. POORE, BEN PERLI:Y. "The Federal and State Constitu- tions, Colonial Charters and Other Organic Laws of the United States." 2 vols. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1877. REPORTS Or BOUNDARY COMMISSIONERS. 1664. SCARBURC=H, EDMUND. Report on the Boundary to the Virginia Assembly, 1664. Maryland Senate Documents, Doc. E, 18744. 1803. MERCER, JOHN F. Report to the Maryland I-1ouse of Delegates. November Session, p. 65. x8o3.