Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 54
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Whealton, Maryland & Virginia Boundary Controversy, 1904,
, Image No.: 54
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52 LIFE Louis N. Whealton was born on Chincoteague Island, Virginia, in 1872. He received his preliminary educa- tion in the public school of his birth place. He entered Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland, in 1888; and was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1892. In that year he.entered the Johns Hopkins University, and for more than three years pursued a course of grad- uate studies in the department of History and Politics. In 1896 he entered the University of Maryland, and com- pleted the course leading to the degree of LL. B., which was awarded him in May, 1897. From the Johns Hopkins University he received the degree of Doctor of Philoso- phy in June, 11897. BIBLIOGRAPHY "ARCHIVES or MARXI,AND." William Hand Browne, Editor, Baltimore. Mary- land Historical Society, 1883-1904. 24 vols. "BAI,TIMORx DAILY SuN." File for 1894. Baltimore, Md. BOZM.AN, JOHN LimDS. "History of Maryland." Baltimore. 2 vols. J. Lucas & E. K. Deaver, 1837. BROOKS, W. K. "The Oyster." Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Press, i8gi. "CAixNDAR olt STATx PAPERS" (Colonial Series i6o6- r66o.) W. Noel Sainsbury, Editor. London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, i86o. CHALMFRS, GEORGE. "Political Annals of the Present United Colonies." London, t78o, vol. r. New York Historical Society, N. Y., 1868, VOL 2. Dt JAS, D. C. "De jarnette Papers." MSS., 2 vols. Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va.