Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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88 SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT COMMUNISM "The Dispatcher1* *The Dispatcher " is the official newspaper of the International Longshore- men^ and Warehousemen's Union, CIO. It is published every two weeks at 604 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 11, California. Subscription rates are $1.00 per year. The Editor and Information Director is Morris Watson. Harry Bridges, President of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, has an editorial column in each issue. "The Dispatcher** contains news items from Allied Labor News and Federated Press. "The Pilot" "The Pilot** is the official organ of the National Maritime Union of America, CIO. It is published weekly at 346 West 17th Street, New York 11, New York. Sub- scription rates are $2.50 per year. The paper sells for .05 a copy. This tabloid newspaper is edited by Lowell Chamberlain and Joseph Curran, President of the National Maritime Union, as a weekly column of editorial comment.. "The Pilot**, because of its status as the official organ of the National Maritime Union of America, probably receives a greater distribution in the ports of Europe, Africa and the Middle East than any other publication in the United States. "The Guild Reporter" (Anti-Communist) "The Guild Reporter** is the official organ of the American Newspaper Guild, CIO, and is published the second and fourth Friday of each month. The yearly subscription is $2.00. Single copies sell for .10. The Editor is Wilbur E. Bade. His associate is Fred Jaeger. The national organization of the American Newspaper Guild, CIO is controlled by non-Communists and because of the high caliber of writing ability of the membership of the American Newspaper Guild, the issues of "The Guild Reporter" contain from tliiie to time the most searching criticisms of Communist attempts to disrupt the affairs of the union or to inject Communist programs into the union's activities. "The New York Guildpaper" "The New York Guildpaper" is published twice a month by the Newspaper Guild of New York, Local No. 3 of -the American Newspaper Guild, CIO. Its Editor is Robert IS.. Schwartz. The officers of Local No. 3 and the group publishing "The New York Guild- paper" are among those under attack in "The Guild Reporter" from time to time for disruptive Communist tactics. "The Giildpaper" is, therefore, considered valuable source material in order to obtain the complete picture of the Communist- ant i-Communist arguments which take place within the national organization. In addition to these references, further material can be found in the organs of the Communist unions listed in ftppendix IV. COMMUNIST INFLUENCED GERMAN PUBLICATIONS "The German American" "The German American" is a semimonthly publication published by the German-American, Inc. and edited by <3ustav Faber, 305 Broadway, New York 7, New York. Subscription rates are six months for 'vl.OO; one year for $1.75. Single copies sell for .10. Except for a few articles in English, the bulk of the news and editorial comment in "The German American" is in the German language. This paper was originally founded by Kiirt RosenfeM,