Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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89 SODRCBS OF INFORMATION ABODT COMMDNISM "Freies Deutschland" "Freies Deutschland* Is edited in Mexico City. Its mailing address Is Apartado 10214,. Mexico, D.JV It is distributed in the United States in New York, San Francisco, Chicago,. Boston and Washington at bookstores and news agencies which generally handle Communist material. Subscription rates are #2»50 per year and *25 per. copy* It Is the organ of the Latin-American Committee for Free Germany and is published in the German language* The Latin-American Committee f*r Free Germany was in existence prior to the forma- tion of the Free Germany Committee in Moscow* "Volksstimme3" ~ Anti-Nazi Monthly "Valksstimme" is published by the German-Canadian Federation, 175 Bathurst Street^ Itoronto, Canada. Its Editor is Korst Doehler. Subscription rates ere &ZJDO per year and »K> a ^opy^. "Ve-lksstimme" is printed in the German language and contains articles by Paul Merker and others who are connected with the publication of "Freies Deutschland*1* PROLETARIAN PUBLICATION CRITICAL OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES "The Ball" "The Call" is published weekly by the Socialist Party of U» S« A., 303 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, New York* The Editor is Herman Singer* Subscription rates are $2*00 per year or »05 per issue* "Challenge" "Challenge" is published monthly by the Young Peoples Socialist League of America, 303 Fourth Avenue» New York 10k New York. The Editor is Ann Moore. Subscriptions are «5Q for twelve issues or »05 per copy. "The Fighting Worker" "The Fighting Worker" is published monthly by Demos Press, 708 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois* It is the offioial.organ of the Revolu« tionary Workers League, U,S« (affiliated to the Provisional International Contact Commission for a new Communist Fourth International). The subscrip- tion rate is $1»00 per year or f05 per copy, ' "Fourth International" "Fourth International" is a monthly magazine published by the Fourth International Publishing Association, 116 University Place, New York 3f New York. The Managing Editor is E, R, Frank. Subscription rates are $2«00 per year or «20 a copy. "The Industrial Worker" "The Industrial Worker" is the official organ of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), It is published weekly at 2422 North Holstad Street, Chicago 14, Illinois. P. J. Read is Editor and Business Manager. Subscript* tion rates are $2^00 for one year or «Q5 a copy*