SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT COMMONISM 8? "the Statement of Principlesn of "New Currents'* states that it is a Jewish non-Partisan monthly devoted to the furtherance of Jewish unity in America ... and for the establishment of the closest bonds of friendship and cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union as well as the other democratic nations. The contents include political and economic dissertations, fiction, poetry, art criticism and book reviews. It advertises the American Review of Soviet Medicine, a bimonthly technical Journal. "New York State of Affairs" "New York State of Affairs," "a non-partisan guide to citizen action" is published monthly by New York State of Affairs, Inc., 35 East 12th Street, New York 3, New York. The Editor is Dr. Bella V. Dodd, David M. Preedman is Business Manager. Subscription rate is $2.00 per year. "New York State of Affairs" deals particularly with political matters in the State of New York. However, some space is given to the voting record of New York Congressmen on national issues. "The People fs Voice" "The People's Voice" is a tabloid size newspaper, published weekly by the Powell-Buchanan Publishing Company, Inc., 210 West 125th Street, New York, New York. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr, is Editor-in-Chief; Doxey Wilkerson, Executive Editor; Marvel Coke, Associate Managing Editor; Mfly Yergan, Treasurer and David Watkins is Manager. Subscription rates are three months for $1.00; six months for $2.00 and one year for $3.00. "The People*s Voice" is a Negro newspaper. It is a complete paper in so far as news coverage and features are concerned. However, news is predominantly of Negroes and stories on domestic and international affairs are presented on the basis of the effect which such events have on the Negro population. "The Protestant* "The Protestant" is published monthly from January to October excepting Julj and August, when it is published bimonthly by the Protestant Digest Publishing Co. Inc., 521 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, New York. The Editor is Kenneth Leslie and the Distribution Manager Sanford Archibald. The Managing Editor is "James M. Freeman. Subscription rateS are twelve issues for $3.00, twenty-four issues for $5.00. Single copies are .25. "The Protestant" is anti-Roman Catholic and pro- Soviet and generally has followed the Communist line in all of its shifts. It is the most important single source for the anti-Catholic Communist Line. LABOR ORGANS REFLECTING COMMDNIST INFILTRATION OF LABOR "The CIO News" - National Edition "The CIO News " - national edition, is the official weekly publication of • the Congress of Industrial Organizations. It is published at 718 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 6,.D« C. Len De Caux is Editor and Publicity Director. This is a tabloid size newspaper, subscription rates of which are $1.00 per year of ,05 per copy. The national edition serves as a model for the editions published in the various sections of the country. The national influence of the Communist Par of the United States on the Congress of Industrial Organizations can be gauged fr- the treatment of news and comment in this paper. Generally the top officials of •the CIO prevent De Caux from introducing the Party Line. Even so, he can set a tone by inclusions and omissions. |