Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT COMMUNISM 86 '•Legislative Service" "Legislative Service1* is published monthly by the International Labor Defense, 112 East i9th Street, New York $} New York, Vito Marcantohio is President of the HD» Boxey.A. Wilkerson is Vice President and-Robert W* Dunn, Treasurer, Itsj subscription rate jLs $1.00 for twelve issues. "Legislative Service"1 is an eight-page^ "slick paper" publication containing recommended readiiig dn current political problems, suggestions for legis- lative action and analyses of Congressional reaction in which the International labor Defense has an Interest* "New Africa*1 »*New Africa" is the monthly bulletin of the Council On African Affairs, 23 West 26th Street, New York 10, New York. W. A. Honton is Editor and Edu- cational Director of the Council On African Affairs. Subscription rates are $1«00 for twelve issues. "New Africa" contains news of the various African countries and colonies and attempts to interpret the effect of activity for or against the Negroes in those areas upon the United States and world politics. C01MJNIST INFIPENCED PUBLICATIONS APPEALING TO SPECIAL GRODPS "In Fact" "In Fact " is a weekly news letter edited by George Seldes, 25 Astor Place, New York, New York. The subscription rate is $1.00 per year. This four-page publication reprints material originally published elsewhere with editorial com- ment by Seldes. It is a very important source for Party Line material. Because of its trade union circulation, it is quite influential. "New Currents" - A Jewish Monthly "New Currents" - a Jewish monthly, is published monthly by the American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists, Inc., 119 West 57th Street, New York 19, New York. Subscription rates are $3.00 per year. Single copies sell for .25. The Managing Editor is Alice Alpert and Associate Editor is Valia Hirsch. The Board of Editors include: Joseph Brainin Abraham Chapman Frederic Ewen Howard Fast B. Z. Goldberg Dena Justin Albert E. Kahn Herbert Morais William Zukerman The Advisory Board includes: Sholem Asch Alvah Bessie Lion Feuchtwanger Waldo Frank William Gropper Leo ftiberman Harland J. Laski Albert Maltz Israel Schapiro