Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Brice John Gassaway (c. 1755-1816)
MSA SC 3520-15893


Archival Sources:

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Oaths of Fidelity) 03/1778 [MSA C121-1, 1/1/14/19].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) March 5, 1789, Clerk NH, Liber 4, p. 211. Manumission of Isaac Bellows [MSA CE 76-32].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) September 17, 1792, Clerk NH, Liber 6, p. 366. Deed, Rezin Hammond to Brice John Gassaway and Others, one acre of land for the purpose of constructing a Baptist church [MSA CE 76-34].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) April 16, 1793, NH, Liber 6, p. 645. Gassaway's deposition regarding Isaac Bellow's purchase of a female slave [MSA CE 76-34].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) September 16, 1796, NH, Liber 8, p. 292. Bill of Sale, Thomas Gassaway to Brice Gassaway, a male slave [MSA CE 76-36].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) October 3, 1800, NH, Liber 10, p. 392. Bill of Sale for a stray horse, Brice John Gassaway to Henry Ridgely [MSA CE 76-38].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) November 15, 1803, NH, Liber 12, p. 187. Deposition of Brice Gassaway regarding the surveying of Dr. Charles Alexander Warfield's property [MSA CE 76-40].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) December 14, 1809, NH, Liber 15, p. 506. Loan of $8000 from Fridge and Morris to Brice John Gassaway for the use of his sons, George and Henry [MSA CE 76-43].

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURT (Land Records) April 13, 1812, WSG, Liber 1, p. 455. Deed, Brice John Gassaway to Alexander Nisbet, surredering of land due to loan default [MSA CE 76-45].

BALTIMORE COUNTY COURT (Land Records) September 27, 1811, WG, Liber 115, p. 71. Deed, Charles Gassaway to Brice John Gassaway, tract of land in Baltimore County [MSA CE 66-165].

Journal and Correspondence of the Coucil of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779. Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 21, p. 333.

Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780. Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 43, p. 209.

Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784. Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 48, p. 265.

Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779. Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 21, p. 398; Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 21, p. 408.

LAND OFFICE (Certificates, Patented, AA) 1668, Nicholas Gassaway, 70 acres known as "Addition" [MSA S1189-373B, 1/25/1/57].

Laws of 1805, Chapter 70. Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 607, p. 49.

Laws of 1808, Chapter 118. Archives of Maryland Online, Volume 597, p. 58.

MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) December 10, 1788, Liber D, p. 153. Deed, Charles Carroll of Carrollton to George Snell, Brice John Gassaway acting as a cosigner on a loan [MSA CE 148-4].

MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) May 19, 1812, Liber P, p. 619. Deed, Samuel Leeke to Brice John Gassaway, lots 44-46 in Brookeville, Maryland [MSA CE 148-16].

MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) September 10, 1812, Liber Q, p. 80. Bill of Sale, Joseph Thomas to Brice John Gassaway, debt of fifty six dollars owed by Joseph Thomas to Brice John Gassaway [MSA CE 148-17].

MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land Records) June 28, 1816, Liber T, pp. 101-102. Deed, George Thompson to George Gassaway, lot 47 in Brookeville, Maryland [MSA CE 148-21].

MONTGOMERY COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Record) 1813-1816, Liber I , pp. 460, 505-507, 562-565 [MSA C1138-11, 1/17/8/10].

MONTGOMERY COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Record) 1816-1817, Liber K, pp. 508-509 [MSA C1138-12, 1/17/8/11].

MONTGOMERY COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Record) 1817-1818, Liber L, pp. 491-492 [MSA C1138-13, 1/17/8/12].

Plat of Brookeville, likely copy of original by Richard Thomas, c. 1800 [MSA SC 6023-1-2].

Published Sources:

Holland, Celia M. Old Homes and Families of Howard County, Maryland. Lancaster, PA: Wickersham Printing Co., 1987.

Warfield, J.D. The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties. Baltimore: Kohn and Pollock, 1905.

Census Records:

Second Census of the United States, 1800, Anne Arundel, Maryland, Roll 9, P. 88, Image 53.

Third Census of the United States, 1810, Anne Arundel, Maryland, Roll14, P. 104, Image 0193667.

Newspaper Sources:

"Two Hundred Dollars Reward," Maryland Herald October 31st, 1804. Volume VIII, Issue 401, p.4.

"Paul's Patent Columbia Oil," Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, August 15th, 1812. Volume XLI, Issue 11147, p.4.

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