Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Barnes Compton (1830-1898)
MSA SC 3520-1545



U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1830 Census Record, MD) Charles County, Allen's Fresh District, Sheet 131, Line 20.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1840 Census Record, MD) Charles County, 1st District, Sheet 4, Line 11.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1850 Census Record, NJ) Mercer County, Princeton Township, Sheet 34, Line 5.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1850 Census Record, MD) Charles County, Allen's Fresh District, Sheet 108, Lines 28-32 .

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1850 Census, MD) Charles County, Hill Top District, Sheet 30, Lines 22-31.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1850 Slave Schedules, MD) Charles County, Allen's Fresh District, Sheet 236-237, Lines 28-42, 1-17.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1860 Census Record, MD) Charles County, Hill Top District, Port Tobacco Post Office, Sheet 87, Line 38.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1860 Slave Schedule, MD) Charles County, Hill Top District, Sheet 61-62, Lines 9-40, 1-40,1-34.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1870 Census Record, MD) Charles County, 1st District, Sheet 25, Line 28.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1880 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, 5th Precinct, Ward 19, ED 194, Sheet 27, Line 13.

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1900 Census Record, MD) Prince George's County, ED 102, Sheet 18, Lines 91-94.

Maryland State Archives MARYLAND HISTORICAL TRUST (Historic Sites Survey) Rosemary Lawn, Charles County, CH-105 [MSA SE5]

Maryland State Archives MARYLAND HISTORICAL TRUST (Historic Sites Survey) Loch Leven, Charles County, CH-43 [MSA SE5]

Maryland State Archives CHARLES COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Guardian Docket) Barnes Compton, 1839-1849, pg. 36-37 [MSA T2714-1, 0/30/3/43]

Maryland State Archives CHARLES COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Guardian Accounts) Barnes Compton, 1847-1854, pg. 33-42 [MSA T2712-3, 0/30/3/32]

Maryland State Archives CHARLES COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphans Court Proceedings) 1842-1845 [MSA T2717-6, 0/38/6/32]

Maryland State Archives CHARLES COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphans Court Proceedings) 1845-1849 [MSA T2717-7, 0/38/6/33]

Maryland State Archives CHANCERY COURT (Docket) Crain vs. Barnes, 1845, March Term, pg. 407, MDHR 17,976 [MSA S527-36, 1/34/5/29]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPEALS (Docket, Western Shore) Barnes vs. Compton, 1844, June Term, no. 188 [MSA S414-16, 1/66/14/34]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPEALS (Docket, Western Shore) Compton vs. Barnes, 1846, June Term, no. 45 [MSA S414-16, 1/66/14/34]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPEALS (Briefs, Western Shore) Compton vs. Barnes, 1846, June Term, no. 45 [MSA S377-6, 1/64/11/9]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPEALS (Opinions, Western Shore) Compton vs. Barnes, 1846, June Term, no. 45 [MSA S394-11, 1/65/12/39]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPPEALS (Docket, Western Shore) Barnes vs. Crain, 1849, December Term, no. 76 [MSA S414-17, 1/66/14/35]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPPEALS (Briefs, Western Shore) Barnes vs. Crain, 1849, December Term, no. 76 [MSA S377-12, 1/64/11/15]

Maryland State Archives COURT OF APPPEALS (Opinions, Western Shore) Barnes vs. Crain, 1849, December Term, no. 76 [MSA S394-14, 1/65/12/42]

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws) 1874, Chapter 233: An Act to establish the Maryland House of Correction

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws) 1876 Chapter 194: An Act to appropriate a sum of  money for the repair and improvement of the State House

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws) 1882 Chapter 174: An Act to provide for the improvement of the State House grounds and paving the circle around the same

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1878 Governor's Message and Letter from George A. Frederick

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1878 Document O: Report of the Select Committee appointed by the House of Delegates, January 9th, to Investigate the Repairs upon the State House 1878.  Annapolis:  George Colton, Printer to the General Assembly, 1878.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1878 Testimony of the Board of Public Works in the Investigation into the State House Repairs by the Select Committee Appointed by the House of Delegates, 1878.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1880 Testimony of Witnesses in the Investigation into the State House Repairs by the Select Committee Appointed by the House of Delegates, 1880.

Maryland State Archives BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS (Minutes) 1865-1883, MDHR 12,683-2 [MSA S33-1, 1/9/2/2]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Paying Warrants) Nov. 1874- June 1875, Book No. 5 [MSA S703-38, 2/65/12/2]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Paying Warrants) June 1875 – January 1876, Book No. 6 [MSA S703-39, 2/65/12/3]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Paying Warrants) January 1876– June 1876, Book No. 7 [MSA S703-39, 2/65/12/4]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Annual Report) 1876, pg. p17-18 [MSA T3333]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Annual Report) 1877, pg. p38, 10 [MSA T3333]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Annual Report) 1878, pg. 12 [MSA T3333]

Maryland State Archives ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Land Records, Electronic) 1874, SH 9, pgs. 64-68, K-Tap CD 30018 [MSA T3520-4, 3/50/11/18]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Cases Instituted Index) Compton vs. Fulton, Groome vs. Fulton, and Woolford vs. Fulton, 1875, pg 382-383 [MSA T511-22, 3/2/10/22]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Court Papers) Compton vs. Fulton, 1876, no. 73 [MSA T508-58, 3/1/6/33]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Court Papers) Woolford vs. Fulton, 1876, no. 74 [MSA T508-61, 3/1/6/36]

Maryland State Archives BOARD OF HEALTH (Death Record, Counties) Barnes Compton, 1898 December, Prince George’s County, MDHR 50,274-150 [MSA S1178-170, 0/70/12/17]

Maryland State Archives BOARD OF HEALTH (Death Record, Counties) Margaret Compton, 1900 June, Prince George’s County, MDHR 50,274-561 [MSA S1178-581, 0/70/12/17]

Maryland State Archives, PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY (Wills) 1898, Barnes Compton, p. 555-557, JBPi, MDHR 18,833 [MSA C1326-10, 1/25/7/11]

Maryland State Archives, PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY (Wills) 1900, Margaret H. Compton, 650-652, JBPi, MDHR 18,833 [MSA C1326-10, 1/25/7/11]

Newspaper Records-

"Marriages." St. Mary's Beacon, Leonard Town, 4 November 1858.

 “Jobbery in the House of Correction.” Letters from the People. Baltimore American and Daily Commercial Advertiser, Baltimore, 26 June 1875.

“House of Correction.” Baltimore American and Daily Commercial Advertiser, Baltimore, 28 June 1875.

“Suits for Damage.” Local News. The Sun, Baltimore, 17 July 1875.

“Libel Suits.” The Hagerstown Mail, Hagerstown, 23 July 1875.

“Court of Common Pleas-Judge Garey.” Proceedings of Court.  The Sun, Baltimore, 18 February 1876.

“House of Correction.” Affairs at the State Capital.  The Sun, Baltimore, 18 February 1876.

“Hon. Barnes Compton.” The Journal, Denton, 19 November 1881.

"Senator Gorman."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 22 May 1884.

"Review of the Oyster Navy!  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 2 July 1884.

"Compton will be Nominated."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 31 July 1884.

"Fifth Congressional District; The Annapolis Gazette says."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 2 August 1884.

"Nomination of Hon. Barnes Compton." The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 7 August 1884.

"The Board of Public Works."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 7 August 1884.

"The City Council."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 17 March 1888.

"The Western Maryland papers."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 19 March 1888.

"Fred Talbot and Barney Compton." The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 6 April 1888.

"Mr. Compton has succeeded."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 7 April 1888.

"Mr. Compton's bouquet."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 18 April 1888.

"The Hon. Barnes Compton."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 24 April 1888.

"Mr. Compton's Renomination."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 1 May 1888.

"After the Battle."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 9 May 1888.

"The re-nomination of Hon. Barnes Compton."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, May 25, 1888.

"Mr. Compton on Civil Service."  The Evening Capital, 26 May 1888.

"Will deliver the Address."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 22 June 1888.

"Hon. Barnes Compton."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 31 March 1890.

"The legislature having adjourned..." The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 1 April 1890.

"Barnes Compton Gets the Place." The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 24 June 1890.

"We hope that Mr. Compton."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 28 June 1888.

"Hon. Barnes Compton Accepts the Chairmanship."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 25 June 1890.

"Hon. Barnes Compton."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 30 June 1890.

“Talented Orators.” The Ohio Democrat. New Philadelphia, Ohio. 10 March 1892.

“Mr. Compton Walks Out.” The Herald.  Syracuse, New York.  12 August 1894.

"Barnes Compton Dead."  The Evening Capital, Annapolis, 2 December 1898.

Secondary Sources-

“Barnes Compton.” Biographical Profiles of the Treasurers of the Eastern Shore, 1775-1843, Treasurers of the Western Shore, 1775-1852, and State Treasurers, 1852-1988. Annapolis: Treasury Department, 1988. p. 16.

“Compton, Barnes.” Biographical Directory of the Untied States Congress 1774-1989 Bicentennial Edition. United States: Government Printing Office, 1989. p. 813.

“Compton, Barnes.”  The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Vol. X. New York: James T. White & Company, 1900. p. 386.

“Compton, Hon. Barnes.” The Biographical Cyclopedia of Representatives of Maryland and District of Columbia.  Baltimore: National Biographical Publishing Co., 1879. p. 39-40.

Essary, Frederick.  Maryland in National Politics: From Charles Carroll to Albert C. Ritchie. Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1932. p. 275-276.

“Hon. Barnes Compton.” Genealogy and Biography of Leading Families of the City of Baltimore and Baltimore County, Maryland. New York: Chapman Publishing Company, 1897.  p. 1016-1017.

“Local Men Shape the Nation.”  The Maryland Independent.  Waldorf, MD.  5 June 1985.  pg. C1.

Michael, W.H. and Francis M. Cox. “Fifth District, Maryland.” Fifty-Third Congress [Extraordinary Session] Official Congressional Directory for the Use of the United States Congress. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1893. p.52.

Radoff, Morris L. The State House at Annapolis.  Annapolis:  The Hall of Records Commission, 1972.

Rogers Williams, John. "Junior Orators." Academic Honors in Princeton University. Princeton, NJ: C.S. Robinson & Co. University Press, 1902. p. 53.

Rowell, Chester H. “Mudd vs. Compton.” A Historical and Legal Digest of all the Contested Elections in the House of Representatives of the Untied States from the First to the Fifty-Sixth Congress, 1789-1901. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901.

"Members' Application Papers."  Sons of the American Revolution the State of Maryland. Langsdale Library Special Collections.  University of Baltimore. Barnes Compton: State No. 179, National No. 1179, ancestor Philip Key. []

Wilner, Alan M.  The Maryland Board of Public Works: A History. Annapolis, MD: Maryland Hall of Records Commission, 1984.

Winchester, Paul. Men of Maryland Since the Civil War: Sketches of United State Senator Arthur Pue Gorman and His Contemporaries and Successors and Their Connection with Public Affairs. Vol. 1.  Baltimore, Maryland County Press Syndicate, 1923. p. 86-89.

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