Volume 862, Page 74 View pdf image |
Court Anno Domini 1746 John Marten Junior and to Receive a Declaration on the above obligation and thereupon to Confess Judgment by Dildicit cognovit Actionem Nonsum informatus or otherwise hereby Releasing all the Errors that may happen upon the said Judgment suing out Execution thereupon or in any of the proceedings thereunto Relating On the Back of which bond was the following Assignment Vizt I hereby Assign the with bond to Wm Middleton or his assigns March the 2.d 1746 Given under my hand & seale Jn.o Marten Jun.r (H) Which being Read and heard the said Alexander Smith Hawkins by his attorney afs.d Comes and defends the force and Injury when &Ca and the said attorney saith that he is not Informed by the s.d Alex.r Smith of any answer to be given barr or Preclusion of the action afs.d of him the said W.m whereby the s.d W.m Remains against the said Alexr Smith Hawkins undefended Therefore it is Considered that the s.d Wm Recover against the said Alex.r Smith his Debt & Costs afs.d and his Damages by occasion of detaining that Debt to Four Hundred and Eighty one pounds of Tobacco to the same W.m Middleton in his Def.t in mer Assent by the Court here adjudged and the said Alexander in Mercy &Ca Mem.o By Release sell but 3734 & Costs
Charles County ss.t Francis Parker late of Charles County Planter otherwise Called Francis Parker of Charles County Planter was Summoned to Answer unto James Middleton & Ignatius Gardiner Ex.rs of the Testament & last Will of Vincint Ashin late of Charles County Deceased of a plea that he Render unto them the Just Sum of Eighteen Hundred & fifty six pounds of Good Clean Merchantable Tobacco which to them he owes and unjustly detains And Whereupon the same Ja.s & Ignatius Ex.rs afs.d by Philip Key attorney Say that whereas the said Francis Parker on the Second day of March in the year of our Lord one Thous.d Seven Hundred & forty Six at Charles County afs.d by his Certain Writing Obligatory with the Seale of him the said Francis sealed and here in Court Produced whose date is the day & year afs.d Acknowledged himself to be held & firmly bound unto the said James & Ignatius Ex.rs afs.d in the said Sum of Eighteen Hundred & fifty six Pounds of Tobacco as afs.d to be paid to him the said James & Ign.s Ex.rs afs.d when thereunto afterwards he should be Requested Nevertheless the said Francis altho often Requested by the same James & Ignatius Ex.rs ^afs.d^ since his Death the said Sum of Eighteen Hundred & fifty Six Pounds of Tobacco afs.d or any part thereof to them the said James & Ignatius Ex.rs afs.d hath not paid or in any sort Contented but the same to them the said James & Ign.s Ex.rs afs.d to pay or in any sort to Content have hither to altogether Refused & still doth Refuse to the Damage of the said Jam.s & Ignatius Ex.rs afs.d Three Thousand Seven Hundred & Twelve Pounds of Tobacco as afs.d and therefore suit is brought & so forth John Doe Pled.s &C.a & Rich.d Roe And the afs.d Francis Parker by Jeremiah Chase his attorney Comes & defends the force & Injury when &C.a and prays a hearing of the writing obligatory & it is Read unto him he also prays a hearing of the Condition of the same Writing and it is Read unto him in these words Vizt The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Francis Parker do & shall well & truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the said James Middleton & Ignatius Gardiner their Certain Attorney Ex.rs Adm.rs or Assigns the sum of Nine Hundred Twenty and Eight Pounds of Good Merchantable Tobacco at or upon the Tenth day of this Instant Ensuing the date hereof with Legal Interest for the same then the above obligation to be Void Else to Remain in full force & Virtue in Law but if default be made in the payment of the said sum of Nine Hundred & Twenty Eight Pounds of Tobacco then Impower any attorney in any Court of Record in the Realm of Great Britain France or Ireland or within the Province of Maryland or other his Majestys Dominions to appear for me at the suit of the abovementioned James Middleton & Ignatius Gardiner and to Receive a Declaration on (the) |
Volume 862, Page 74 View pdf image |
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