Volume 862, Page 114 View pdf image |
June Court Anno Domini 1747 Charles County ss.t I hereby Certifie as a magestrate of the said County that the Several Articles Contained in the within account are a true Copy taken from the Books of Vincent Askin of the said County Deceased which Books are Proved by the Oath of the said Vincent Askin on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the Several Accounts Contained in each of them Books are severally Just and true as they stand Charged to the several and Respective Persons therein Mentioned and that he hath not Reced Part or Parcel thereof nor any security or satisfaction for the same more then Credit Given to the best of his Knowledge and that the several Probates were made within Twelve Months from the several Dates of the within Account and so attested this 9.th day of March 1746 By W.m Middleton Charles County ss.t Whereas the Executors of Vincent Askin hath this day made Oath Before me one of his Lordships Justices of the Peace for that County that they are Informed that Edward Murphy blacksmith of the County afs.d is Ranaway and that it appears to me that the said Murphy stands Indebted unto the Estate of the said Askin one pound seventeen shillings and five Pence sterling and Eight Pounds Nineteen shillings and Two Pence Current money & These are therefore in his Lordships Name to Require you Immediately upon Receipt hereof you Issue Attachment against the Effects of the said Edward Murphy for the use of the said Executors of Vincent Askin as the act of Assembly in such Cases made and Provided doth direct hereof fail not Given under my hand and seal this 23d day of May 1747 To M.r Edmund Porteus Clk Charles County Allen Davies Whereupon it was Commanded the sheriff that of the Goods Chattles & Credits of the said Edward in his Bailywick being he should attach as well the sum of one pound seventeen shillings and five Pence sterling and Eight Pounds Nineteen Shill.s and Two Pence Current money Damages as seven Hundred Pounds of Tobacco for Costs that had accrued and that further should accrue in Prosecution of the Premises and when the same he had attached or any Part thereof that he should have it before the Justices of the Lord Proprietary of his Next County Court to be held at Charles Town on the Second Tuesday in June Next then and there to be Condemned according to Law to and for the use of the said Askins Ex.rs unless the said Edward should Come then and there by himself of Lawfull Attorney and answer unto the said Ex.rs of a plea of Trespass upon the Case and that by Good and Lawfull men of his Bailywick he should make Known to the Person or Persons in whose hands he should make the same attachment that he she or they be and appear before the Justices of the s.d Lord Proprietary at the Place and time afs.d to shew Cause if any he she or they have why the sum in their or any of their hands attached should not be Condemned according to Law and the said Askins Executors have thereof Execution if &Ca and how he should Execute that Writt that he should make Known to the Justices aforesaid at the time and Place aforesaid and that he should have then and there that Writt and the Names of those before whom he should make the same Known &Ca (And) |
Volume 862, Page 114 View pdf image |
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