Volume 861, Page 107b View pdf image |
107 held at dividing Creek in and for the County aforesaid the third Tuesday of August the next following to answer &a burt for want thereof the said John Butler is Committed into the Custody of the Sheriffe of the County aforesaid there to remain &a the Said Sheriffe present here in Court took Charge of the said John Butler accordingly &a James Henderson is discharged by the Court here of and from a Recognizance whereof William Murray was his Security &c Mathew Prior is discharged by the Court here of and from a recognizance to give Evidence against a Certain John Butler and James Henderson &c Mary Dable appears here in Court according to her Recognizance for the good behaviour and is discharged therefrom she giving Security for the payment of all fee or fees due upon the Recognizance afd &a Thereupon a Certain Solomon Long of Sommerset County planter present herein Court in his proper person undertook for the said Mary Dable to pay all fee or fees due to any person or persons whatsoever by means of the Recognizance afd &a Joseph Murphey appears herein Court according to his Recognizance for the good behaviour and appearance at this Court &.a And thereupon the said Joseph Murphy and his Security are discharged from the Recognizance afd &c
Sommerset County that he Summons the aforesaid Thomas Goddard if he Should be found in his Bailywick that all Excuses set apart he should be and appear before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek the third Tuesday of June Ann Dom One thousand Seven hundred and forty One to answer the petition aforesaid &.a Att which day here before his Lordships Justices Came as well the afd Henry Austen the petitioner as the aforesaid Thomas Goddard in their proper persons ^who was Summoned by the afd Sheriffe^ and the petition aforesaid being Read and heard and the Severall allegations as well on the part of the aforesaid petitioner as on the part of the said Thomas Goddard being by the Court fully understood and Mature deliberation thereupon had It is Considered by the Court here that the aforesaid Henry Austen the petitioner of and from the Service of the aforesaid Thomas Goddard be quitt and goe free and there also the same Indenture by which the Same Thomas detained the Same Henry as a Servant is adjudged by the Court here not good nor Sufficient to detain the aforesaid Henry in his Service any Longer &c
Benjamin |
Volume 861, Page 107b View pdf image |
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