Volume 861, Page 104 View pdf image |
June Court
Francis Tate late of Stepney parish in the said County of Somerset planter the twenty fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty with force and arms at the parish af.d in the County af.d the Cabin of a Certain Indian Runguts then and there did break and Enter and five undresed deer skins of the value of five hundred pounds of tobacco of the goods and Chattles of the said Indian Runguts then and there found then and there feloniously did steal take and bear away Contrary to the peace of the said Lord proprietary that now is his good rule and Government and against the form of the act of assembly in such Case lately made & provided &c Thereupon it is Commanded the Sheriffe of Somerset County that he should Take the said Francis Tate if he should be found in his bailywick and him should safe Keep so that he might have his body before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek the third Tuesday of June then next following to answer unto his said Lordship of the Indictment aforesaid &a And now to witt the sixteenth day of June Ann Dom One thousand Seven hundred and forty One at a Court then held at dividing Creek in and for the County aforesaid before the Justices thereof Came the aforesaid Francis Tate in Custody of the Sheriffe of the County aforesaid in whose Custody before that time for the Cause aforesaid was Committed and to the barr now here Ledd in his proper person and being Instantly asked how he of the felony aforesaid as by the Indictment aforesaid above upon him Imposed will thereof acquitt himselfe says that he is in noe sort thereof Guilty and hereupon of good and Evill he puts himselfe upon the Country Therefore it is Commanded the Sheriffe of the County aforesaid that Immediately he should Cause to before his Lordship Justices here at dividing Creek twelve &a and by whom &a who neither &a to recognize &a and the Jurors of that Same Jury by John Handy Gentleman Sheriffe of the County aforesaid to this Impannelled to witt Edmond Hough Joshua Caldwell John Dennis J.r Joseph Miller Mitchell Jones Huett Nutter John Evans John Shiles Solomon Long Robert Mitchell Daniel Jones and W.m Brown being Called Came who to say the truth of the premisses afd being Elected tryed and Sworn upon their Oath say that the aforesaid Francis Tate is not Guilty of the felony aforesaid in the Indictment aforesaid above specified in manner & form as the aforesaid Francis Tate for himself above by pleading alledged Whereupon all and Singular the premisses being seen and by the Court here fully understood It is Considered by the Court here that the aforesaid Francis Tate be quiet and goe thereof without day Also it is Considered by the Court here that the said Francis Tate give Security for the payment of all fee or fees ^due^ by means of the premisses and Indictment afd to any person or persons whatsoever but for want thereof the said Francis Tate is Committed into the Custody of the sheriffe of the County afd thereto remaine the said Sheriffe to witt John Handy Gent being present took Charge of the said Francis Tate accordingly &c |
Volume 861, Page 104 View pdf image |
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