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June Court
1735 (28) that you or any three or two of you examine them upon their Corporall Oaths to be by you or any three or two of you administred on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God in the presents of the Complainant or Defendant if any touching the truth or Remembrance of their Knowledge or any thing that may relate to the Cause af.d and that reducing the severall depositions into writing you send the same together with this our Commission under your or any three or two of your hands and Seals to us to our County Court of Somerset with all Convenient Speed &a Wittness Robert King Gent Chief Justice of our said Court the twenty ^Seventh^ day of November In the ^twentieth^ year of our Dominion &a Ann Dom One thousand Seven hundred and thirty four Now hereat this day to witt the seventeenth day of June Ann.o Dom One thousand seven hundred and thirty five before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset now here held at diving Creek Came the afd Capell King Thomas Denwood and John Finch three of the Gents mentioned in the aforesaid Commission and made return thereof to the court here with the following depositions thereunto annexed viz.t Somerset County July the 10.th 1735 The Deposition of Thomas Carey aged about thirty Years or thereby being sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God saith that about fourteen years ago he was ordered by his father to go with him to his Uncle Richard Carey and when this deponant Came there he went from thence with his father his Uncle and Severall of the Neighbours to a dead red oak then Standing whose top was then broke down and the said oak stood Easterly about one hundred and twenty Yards from a house where Richard M.cgraw then did live and that they there then did mark a young (standing) pine which stood near unto the said old red oak which was marked for a Second bounder of a tract of Land Called Owens Improvement and was then allowed of by all their present to be the Second bounder of the said tract and that this deponant further saith that there stood a Sassafrax on the other side of the old red oak which they then marked accordingly as they did the said pine and further saith not Thomas Carey
Magraw to go with them and some others to an old Hickory Stump being the second bounder of a tract of Land called Sivins Delight where they then agreed to mark a red Oak Sapling Standing near they s.d old Hickory Stump and they then agreed that that red Oak Sapling stood by they Second bounder of y.e s.d tract & further saith not Henry Newman
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