Volume 851, Page 142b View pdf image |
March Court
142 the Same &a Likewise the said Daniel Rhodes is ordered to give Security for the payment of the Severall Officers their Fees due by occasion of the premisses afd &a thereupon the afd James Givans present herein Court acknowledged himselfe Indebted in ten pounds Ster to his Lordship &a to be Levied &a If it happen that the said Daniel Rhodes do not pay unto the Severall Officers their Fees due on the Indictm.t afd by occasion of the premisses afd &a
Certain William Selby (the same, William, Selby then and there being Constable of Mattopony hundred in the County af.d duly appointed and qualified and in the Execution of his said office of Constable of the said hundred then being) in the peace of God and of the said Lord proprietary then and there being with Force and arms an assault did make and him the said William Selby then and there did beat wound and evilly traet so that of his Life time it was much despaired and other harms to him then and there did to the great damage of the same William and against the peace of the said Lord proprietary that now is his good rule and Government &a Test William Selby Jun.r On the backside of the foregoing Bill of Indictment it was thus Endorsed vizt Edmond Hough foreman Thereupon Command was given to the Sheriff of Somerset County that he Should take the said Joseph Bushop if &a to answer &a and afterwards to witt the Sixteenth day of March anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and thirty five Before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset now here held at dividing Creek in and for the Same County Came the said Joseph Bishop in his proper person according to a Certain Recognizance by him and his Security before acknowledged and had a hearing of the Indictment afd who thereupon Says that of the premisses afd as by the Indictment afd above upon him is Imposed he is guilty thereof Whereupon all and Singular the premisses by the Court here Seen heard and fully understood It is Considered by the Justices here that the afd Joseph Bushop pay to his Lordship the right honrble the Lord proprietary for his fine by the Court hereupon him Imposed for and by occasion of the the trespass and assault afd whereof in form afd he is Convict twenty Shillings Currt money of Maryland and that the said Joseph Bushop be taken to Satisfie his said Lordship of the fine afd &a whereupon the said Joseph Bushop is ordered to give Security for his good behaviour and appearance at June Court Next &a Thereupon the said Joseph Bishop with Isaac Brittingham his Security both present herein Court in their proper persons acknowledged themselves Indebted |
Volume 851, Page 142b View pdf image |
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