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1 Somerset sst 1734 - 1736 Att a Court of the Right Honourable Charles absolute Lord and proprietary of the provinces of maryland and avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &a held at dividing Creek in the Same County the third tuesday of March to witt the Eighteenth day of the same month and in the twentieth Year of his said Lordships dominion &a Anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred & thirty four by his said Lordships Justices the peace in the Same County to keep assigned of whom were present
within the Jur of this Court had accounted with him the said Robert for Sundry Sums of Money by the said Wrixham to the said Robert before that time due owing and unpaid and upon that Account the said Wrixham was found in arrear to him the said Robert in the sum of three pounds One Shilling and three pence Current money of Maryland as by account by the said Wrixham Signed hereunto annexed may in Court appear and being so thereof indebted the said Wrixham in Consideration thereof the day and year af.d at the County af.d upon himself did assume and to the said Robert then and there did faithfully promisse that he the said Wrixham the said three pounds one Shilling and three pence to the said Robert when he should be afterwards thereunto requested he would well and faithfully pay and Content Nevertheless the s.d Wrixham his promise and assumption afores.d in forme afores.d made nothing regarding but plotting and fraudulently intending the said Robert in that part Craftilly and Subtilly to deceive and defraud the s.d three pounds one shilling and three pence to the said Robert altho' the same to do the said Wrixham on the aforesaid thirteenth day of September in the year afores.d and often afterward at Somerset County afores.d by the aforesaid Robert he was thereunto requested hath not paid or Contented but the same to him hitherto to pay or Content hath damage to the Value of Six pounds Curr.t money of Maryland afores.d and thereupon he brings Suit &.a Pledges &.a John Doe & R: Roe
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