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June court
87 that Runs up to Huett Nutters house and ten yards to the Eastern of a marked Read oak and ten yards to ye Western of another small Gully from wich said place Will.m Gillis, Jn.o More, Richard Ridder, Jam.s Weatherly, Benj.a Walls and James Makmorie declared to be the boundery of Gessemain or the 900 acres as appears by their depositions hereunto Anexed Maryland Somerset county Octob.r the 24.th 1726 W.m Gillis Aged fifty six years swore on the holy Evangelist of Allmighty God Standing att the place saing yt he was shewed by the old standers a tree that they Reported to be the first Bounder of said Land and that he knew it when it was a green standing tree where now the post stands his father W.m Heathy and Jenkine ^and^ Morris showed him said Tree the same day came John More aged seventy three ^and^ Sworn saith that aboute twenty years agoe that Robert Douno, John Kemp and Coll Whitten told him that the place the above Geills swore to was the first bounder of Garshemain The same day came Richard Ridder aged forty Eight years sworn saith that Mathew Nutter and W.m Geills Brought him and Jonathan Jackson and Thomas Ralph and showed him the same place that W.m Geills swore too and that there was a Green standing tree there about fourteen years agoe The same day came James Weatherly aged fourty two Sworn saith that about twenty one years agoe that Jn.o Kemp got him to car^r^y the chain from the Westermost side of a small Gully about the place that W.m Geills swore too The same day came James Mackmore agoe fifty two or thereby sworn saith that about twenty years agoe what Cap.t James Dashiel Cap.t Nicholas Evans M.r W.m Johns he was Chosen to Devide and Share the Necke Called Nutters Neck between Christopher and Mathew Nutters the said Christopher and Mathew brought him to this place to the Best of his Rmembrance being a branch Near the mash side not far from Mathew Nutters dwelling house and told him that here was a bounder of Childes and that there Land Extended and went no furder up Quanticoe Creek and further saith not The same day came Benj.a Walles aged forty seven or thereby sworn saith that he was sumoned upon ^a^ Jury about twenty one years agoe upon the said Land by John Kemp and said Jn.o Kemp and Mathew Nutter brought us I think to the best of my knowledge to this place and said here is the first Bounder viz.t the place that W.m Geills swore to but finding the alination so defaced we could not find the courses which stoped our further proceeding some time after being in company with Coll Evans upon the Road by Hamilins Plantation Evans being them Hamilins attorney Evans told me that this Land might be bought and that an Ingenious man might make a good Intrest here for there was 200 Acres of Land Clear between the Line and the Creek and further saith not aged forty nine years or there abouts I Chris Nutter doe hearby give my reason to the best of my Remembrance that about five or six years agoe we went up Quantico Creek near ^to^ the uper end of John humbleleys plantation so called by the Road side there mark.t a red oak by the side of an old fallen Tree I being in company with severall people viz.t Geo: Dashiell Thomas Dashiel Mitchell Dashiel John Nicholson Christopher Piper Robert Jones and Christopher Dashiel and others I had then another that I was in company with my father in former years when I was very young going up or Down Quantico along a parth I had some thoughts he sowed me a red oake whether it was markt or no I no not to the Best of my thoughts he Told me it was a Corner Tree of Stevens or Even's Land (whether) |
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Volume 842, Page 87 View pdf image |
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