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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1730-1733
Volume 842, Page 101b   View pdf image
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    June Court            1731                     101

thirty One Came againe as well the aforesaid John Harristoy by his attorney aforesaid as the afd John Horsey in his proper
person and whereupon the Said John Horsey prayed further Leave thereof to Imparle here untill the next Court & he
had it and the Same day is Given to the aforesaid John Harristoy here also &c

          Att which Said next Court to witt the Fifteenth day of June One thousand Seven hundred and thirty One Came
againe the said John Horsey in his proper person and Offers himselfe against the Said John Harristoy in the plea
afd but the Said John Harristoy altho' Solemnly Called Came not nor is his writt afd further prosecuted &c

                               Therefore it is Considered that he and his pledges of prosecuting be in mercy and that the names
of his pledges be Sought for and that the afd John Horsey Goe thereof without day and also it is Considered that ye
afd John Horsey Recover against the Said John Horsey One hundred & Sixty two                           pounds of tob.o
by discretion of the Justices hereat his request for his Costs and Charges in that part Sustained according to the form of the
162   Statute by the Court here adjudged &c

FA  John Barkley
JS  LG  Joseph MccClester
Somerset County ss
                                   Joseph Macclester Late of Somerset County Gent was attached to
Answer unto John Barkley of a plea of trespass upon the Case &.c
                   And whereupon the Said John Barkley by Francis Allen his attorney Complaines that whereas the Said
    Joseph the first day of November Anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred and twenty Seven at the County of Somrset
    afd within the Jurisdiction of this Court was Indebted unto the Said John in Six pounds ten Shillings Currant mony
money of Maryland and One hundred and Seventy and Nine pounds of tobacco for so much by the Said Joseph of the
said John at the County afd within the Jurisdiction aforesaid before that time had borrowed and received and being so
thereof Indebted the Said Joseph in Consideration thereof the day and Year afd at the place aforesaid upon himselfe
did assume and to the Said John then and there did faithfully promisse that he the Said Joseph the Said Six pounds
ten Shillings Currant money aforesaid and One hundred and Seventy and nine pounds of tobacco to the SAid John
when he Should be afterwards thereunto requested he would well and faithfully pay and Content and whereas
the Jurisdiction aforesaid was Indebted unto the Said John in Other Six pounds ten Shillings Currant money
of Maryland and One hundred and Seventy and nine pounds of tobacco for so much to the Said Joseph
by Sundry persons at the County aforesaid within the Jurisdiction aforesaid and to and for the Use of him the
said John before that time deposited and paid and being so thereof Indebted the Said Joseph afterwards to witt
the aforesaid first day of November in the aforesaid at the County aforesaid within the Jurisdiction aforesaid in
Consideration thereof upon himselfe did assume an to the Said John then and there did faithfully promise that he the
Said Joseph the Said Six pounds ten Shillings Currant money aforesaid and One hundred ^seventy^ and Nine pounds ^of tobacco^ to the said
John when he Should be afterwards there unto requested he would well and faithfully pay and Content Nevertheless
the Said Joseph his Severall promisses and assumptions aforesaid in form aforesaid made nothing regarding but
plotting and fraudulently Intending the Said John in that behalfe Craftilly and Subtilly to deceive and defraud
the Said Severall sumes of tobacco and money in the whole amounting to thirteen hundred pounds Currant
money aforesaid and three hundred and fifty Eight pounds of tobacco to the Said John altho the Same to do the
Said Joseph by the Said John on the aforesaid first day of November in the Year aforesaid and Often afterwards
at the County aforesaid within the Jurisdiction afd he was thereunto requested hath not paid or to him for the
Same to him hitherto to pay or Content hath refused and Still doth refuse and deny whereupon the Said John
Saith that he is worse and hath damage to the value of twenty Six pounds Currant money aforesaid and
Seven hundred and Sixteen pounds of tobacco and thereupon he brings Suit &c   F Allen P Qur Pledges p Jno Doe  R Roe

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1730-1733
Volume 842, Page 101b   View pdf image
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