Volume 840, Page 32 View pdf image |
June Court
32 bound unto the afd William Jones in the full and Just Sum of Seventeen hundred and Ninety five pounds of good sound merchantable Leafe tobacco in Casque to be paid the said William when thereunto the afd Joseph should be required. Yett the afd Joseph the afd sum of seven^teen^ hundred and Ninety five pounds of good sound Merchantable Leafe tobacco in Caske to the said William hath not Rendered altho' often thereunto Required but the afd Joseph the same hitherto to the Same William to render hath altogether denyed and still doth deny and unjustly detaine whereby the same William says he is worse and hath damage to the value of three thousand pounds of tobacco and thereof brings this Suite &c and the same William brings hereinto Court the Writing Obligatory afd &c by which &c L Gale P Que.r Pledges &c Jno Doe R Roe Whereupon the afd William Jones by his attorney afd prays that the afd Joseph Allen to his declaration in the plea afd my answer bu the said Joseph Allen altho' solemnly Called Came not but makes default whereby the afd plft remains against the afd deft thereof wholly undefended Therefore it is Considered by the Court here the fifteenth day of June ann Dom one thousand seven hundred & twenty five afd that the afd William Jones Recover against the afd Joseph Allen as well debt afd as also 279 his costs and damages To of his assent by the Capt Joseph McClester High Sherr of Somrset This LG Southy Whittington agt GD Wm Harris four at the County of five hundred and so thereof day and Year afd Southy then and [illegible that he when afterwards he Should be thereto requested the afd sum of five hundred & twenty five pounds of tobacco to the afd Southy he would well and faithfully Content and pay Nevertheless the afd William his promise and assumption afd in form afd made Little Regarding and plotting and fraudulently Intending the afd Southy in this part to defraud and deceive (the) |
Volume 840, Page 32 View pdf image |
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