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26 March Court 1717
of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred & Sixteen at the Parish of St. Pauls in the County afd & within the Jurisdiciõn of this Court between them Selves accounted of and Concerning divers Sumes of money to the Said Plt by ye Said Deft~. before that time due & then on arrearage and upon the Said Account the Said Deft. was found in arrearage Plt. in tenn pounds Seven Shillings & two pence Currant money of this Province and being So indebted the Said Deft~. in Consideration thereof did upon himselfe assume & to the Said Plt~ then & there faithfully promised that he ye Sd. Deft~ the Sum of Tenn pounds Seven Shillings & two pence to ye Said Plt. when he Should be thereunto required would well & truly pay & Content~ Nevertheless the afd Deft~ his promise & assumption afd in forme afd made little minding or regarding but plotting & fraudulently intending the Said Plt~. in this behalfe craftily & Subtilly to deceive & defraud the Said Tenn pounds Seven Shillings & two pence to the Said Plt. hath not paid Altho’ to do the Same ye Said Deft~ by the Twentieth day of March in the Year afd at the Parish County & Jurisdiciõn afd by the Sd Plt~. hath been thereto required but to pay ye Same hath hitherto refused & Still doth refuse Wherefore he Says he is worse & hath damage to the value of Twenty pounds Currt. money & thereupon he brings Sute &ca —— Jno Doe Johnson pr Plt~. plds Rd Roe~ And the Said Deft in his proper person appeared to the above Accõn and prayd liberty thereof to imparle thereto and to Answer at next Court which was granted the Same day was given the Plt~. also- Att which Said next Court vizt. this Twentieth day of March Annoque— Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventeen Came the afd Plt by his Said Attry. and the Said Deft~ in his proper person and Saith that he cannot gainsay the Accõn afd of him the Said Plt. nor but that he is indebted the afd Sume of tenn pounds Seven Shillings and two pence Current money as above declared for and is willing that Judgment Should be entred for the Same and Cost thereon Accruing: Therefore it is Considered by the Court here vizt. the Same day last mentioned That the afd Plt~ Robert Ungle do — recover against the Said Deft~ Thomas Hattenpenny as well the afd Sume of Tenn pounds Seven Shillings and Two pence Currant money Damages as also the Sume of Two hundred Eighty Six pounds of Tobacco Cost by ye afd Plt. about his Sute in this behalfe expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged and the . Said Deft~ in mercy Jams Smith Clk |
Volume 833, Page 26 View pdf image |
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