Volume 833, Page 245 View pdf image |
March Court 1718 245 And the afd John Dullany by Thomas Bowne his attry appears to the afd Accõn & prayd liberty thereof to imparle thereto and to answer at next Court which was granted the Same day was given the Plt in like manner Att which Said next Court vizt. this twentieth day of March Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and eighteen Came the afd Plt by his afd Attry & the afd Deft by his Said Attry who Saith that he hath not been Informed . by the Said Deft John Dulleny what to plead So that he Can say nothing in barr or avoidance of the afd Accõn whereby the afd Plt may remain agst the Said Deft John Dulleny without defence Therefore it is Considered by the Court here vizt. the Same day last mentioned That the afd Plt William Hackett do recover against the Said Deft John Dulleny as well the afd Sume of Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco Debt as also the Sume of Three hundred and Seven pounds of Tobacco Cost by the afd Plt. about his Sute in this behalf expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged and the Said Deft in mercy &ca Jams Smith Clk
to Answer unto Peter Allaby of a plea of Trespass on the Case And that he have then and there the Said writ &ca. Att which Said Court the Same day last mentioned come Simon Wilmer Gent high Sherf of Said County and made of his Said writ return^ thereof in these words thereon endorsed as folls vizt. Cepi Corpus pr Simon Wilmer Sherf Att which Said Court the afd Deft being called came . and the afd Plt by Thomas Bowne his attry prayd that the Said Deft might give Special bail to the afd accõn which was granted And that the Sherf of Said County keep the afd John Bud in Safe Custody untill he Shall give Special bail Att which Said next Court vizt. the Seventeenth day of March the Same year last mentioned came the afd Plt. by his afd attry and declares as folls. vizt. Kent County Ss John Bud of Kent County Labourer was attached to answer unto Peter Allaby of a plea of Trespass on the Case And Whereupon the afd Plt. by Thomas Bowne his attorney Complaines for that whereas the afd Deft the Second day of January in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hund: :red and thirteen at S.t Pauls Parish in Kent County within the Jurisdiciõn of this Court In Consideration that the afd Plt at the Special Instance and request of the afd . Deft had then and there bargained Sold and delivered to the Said Deft to the proper use and behoofe of the afd Deft divers Goods wares and Merchandizes in an Account hereto Annexed Shewn at the Severall Rates and prices in the Said Account Specifically Set forth in the whole amounting unto one Thousand three hundred and fifty pounds of Merchantable Tobacco upon himselfe assumed and to the Said Plt then and there faithfully promised that he the Said |
Volume 833, Page 245 View pdf image |
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