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Anne Arundel County, Manumission Record, 1844-1866
Volume 832, Page 24   View pdf image
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Deed of Manumission
from Thomas Lansdale
Mary Johnston
To all whome it
may concern be it
known that I Thomas
Lansdale of Howard
District of Anne
Arundel County and State of Maryland
for divers good causes and considerations
me thereunto moving have released from
slavery liberated manumitted and set free
and by these presents do hereby release from
slavery liberate manumit and set free my
negro woman named mary Johnson aged about
Forty years and able to work and gain a
sufficient livelihood and maintanance
and her the said Negro woman Mary Johnston
I do declare to be henceforth free manumited
and discharged from all manner
of service or servitude to me my executors or
administrators forever together and with her
six children the first named Sarah Ellen
born September 1834 the second named
Mary Louisa born December 1835 the
third named Eliza Ann twin sister of
Mary Louisa the fourth named Andrew
Ellicott born April 1837 the fifth named
Thomas born August 1838 and the
sixth named Charles born September
1839.  Together with her increase since the year
1839 and hereafter
In testimony whereof I the said Thomas
Lansdale have hereunto set my hand
and affixed my seal this eleventh day
of December One thousand Eight hundred
and forty six

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Anne Arundel County, Manumission Record, 1844-1866
Volume 832, Page 24   View pdf image
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