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Anne Arundel County Court, Manumission Record, 1797-1807
Volume 825, Page 259   View pdf image
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Know all men by these presents that whereas by an
Act of the General Assembly of maryland passed at the
Session held in November eighteen hundred and five
Entitled an Act for the benefit of Robert Williams
a free Black man and of his wife and children it
is enacted that it shall and may be lawful for the
Chancellor of this State ot execute a deed for the
Emancipation and freeing of the wife of said
Robert Williams named Sue or Susannah and the
Children named in the preamble to the said Act of
Assembly to wit Susan George Dinah Ceser Rachel
and William as by the said Act of Assembly reference
being had thereto will appear   And whereas one of
the said negroes to wit Dinah has a female child
named Fanny about the age of two years and it
appears to have been the intention of the Legislature
that all the descendants of the said Sue or Susan
Williams should be free.   In pursuance of the
authority vested by the said Act of Assembly I
William Kilty Chancellor of the State of maryland
have Emancipated and set free and do by these
presents do Emancipate and set free the said negroes
to wit Sue or Susannah Williams the wife of the
said Robert Williams about the age of fifty three
George about the age of twenty three Dinah about
the age of twenty one Rachel about the age of
nineteen Susan about the age of seventeen Ceser
about the age of fifteen William about the age
of thirteen and Fanny the daughter of Dinah
about the age of two years to take effect as to
all and each of the said negroes from the date
hereof.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my seal the fifth day of
March in the year eighteen hundred and

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Anne Arundel County Court, Manumission Record, 1797-1807
Volume 825, Page 259   View pdf image
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