Ellen Toogood
Maryland Anne
Arundel County to wit:
William S Green, Clerk of Anne
Arundel County Court, do hereby Certify, that it
hath been proved to my satisfaction that the
bearer hereof named Ellen Toogood aged about
Twenty one years about five feet five and an
half inches high, black complexion, has no
perceptible mark, was free born, and that she
was raised in the County aforesaid
Issued the 9.th day of November 1831
Nelly Parker
Maryland Anne
Arundel County to wit
William S Green, Clerk of Anne Arundel
County Court do hereby Certify that it hath been
proved to my satisfaction, that the bearer hereof
named Nelly Parker aged about thirty five
years about five feet four Inches high brown
complexion, has the first Joint of the second
finger on the left hand a little Crooked is the
Identical person manumitted by Daniel Hart
by deed dated the thirty first day of October in
the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred
and thirty one and that she was raised in the
County aforesaid
Issued the 11th day of November 1831
Richard H Cain
Maryland Anne
Arundel County to wit
William S Green, Clerk of Anne
Arundel County Court do hereby Certify, that it
hath been proved to my satisfaction, that the
bearer hereof named Richard H Cain aged
about twenty one years about five feet six and
an half Inches high brown Complexion has a
scar on the left side of the head was free born |