Volume 817, Page 165 View pdf image |
165 Anne Arundel State of maryland having taken or subscribed the oath required by the said act and having Sworn that he is a Citizen of the United States Sole owner of the ship or vessel called the Sarah Ann Webster of Annapolis whereof John D Meekins is at present Master and as he hath Sworn is a citizen of the United States and that said Ship or vessel was built in Dorchester County State of maryland in the year 1837 as appears by Enrolment 2 granted at this port and dated the 27.th day of march 1840 Now Surrendered up owners party changed and said enrolment having Certified that the said Ship or vessel has one Deck and two masts and that her length is sixty two feet her Breadth twenty feet her Depth five feet six inches and that she measures fifty seven Tons 55/95 parts of or Ton that she is a schooner has a square Stern no Gallies and no Figure Head and the said John D Meekins having agreed to the description and admeasurement above specified and sufficiently security having been given according to the ^said^ act the said schooner has been duly enrolled at the foot of Annapolis Given under my hand and seal at the Port of Annapolis this seventeenth day of march in the year one thousand Eight hundred and forty two To have and To hold the said Schooner and the appertenances thereunto belonging unto the said Samuel Dunnock his Executors administrators and assigns to the only proper use and behoof and as the proper goods and Chattels of the said Samuel Dunnock his Executors administrators and assigns from henceforth for ever and the said John D Meekins for himself his Executors and administrators do hereby Covenant and agree to and with the said Samuel Dunnock his executors administrators and assigns that at the Execution of these presents he is the true and lawful owner of the said Schooner or vessel called the Sarah Ann Webster of Annapolis and appertenances and have full right and authority to sell and dispose of the same freed from and cleared of all claims incumbrances or demands whatsoever Provided always and these presents are upon this Condition Nevertheless that if the said John D Meekins his Executors or administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Samuel Dunnock his Executors administrators or assigns the sum of Eight hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty six cents owing as aforesaid on the six promissory notes herein before mentioned and referred with the Interest thereon that then and from thenceforth these presents and every thing herein Contained shall cease and determine and be absolutely void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue And it is hereby Covenanted and agreed by and between the parties to these presents that if default shall be made in the payment of the said Eight hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty six cents owing the promissory notes aforesaid and the interest thereon or any part thereof then and from thenceforth it shall be lawful for the said Samuel Dunnock his Executors administrators or assigns to enter upon and take possession of the said schooner or vessel her masts yards sails Rigging anchors Cables Boats Tackle apparel and appertenances (aforesaid) |
Volume 817, Page 165 View pdf image |
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