Volume 814, Page 90 View pdf image |
90 first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden E. A. Talbott as sheriff of Howard County do and shall well and faithfully execute the same office in all things appertaining thereto and shall also render to the several officers within this state a just and true account of all fees placed in his hands for collection within the time limited by law and shall also well and truly pay all sums of Money received by him and also collect and pay all public dues fines forfeitures which are due or belonging to the state and shall also well and faithfully execute and return all writs process and warrants to him directed and delivered and shall also pay and deliver to the person or persons entitled to receive the same all sum or sums of money tobacco goods chattels or property by him levied seized or taken agreeable to the directions of the writ process or warrants under which the same shall have been levied seized or taken and also shall keep and detain in safe custody all and every person or persons committed to his custody or by him taken in execution or who shall be committed for the want of bail without suffering them or any of them to escape or depart from his custody and shall also satisfy and pay all judgments which shall or may be rendered against him as sheriff and shall also well and truly execute and perform the several duties required of or imposed upon him by the laws of this state then this obligation to be void and of none effect otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue in Law signed sealed and delivered E. A. Talbott (seal) in presence of George Ellicott (seal) N. C. Brooks H. C. Pue (seal) W. M. Isaac Tho.s M.cCrea (seal) John R. Brown (seal) samuel Brown (seal) Josiah Groves (seal) W.m H. Worthington (seal) Approved by the orphans court for Howard county on the 21.st day of November 1854 |
Volume 814, Page 90 View pdf image |
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