Ch. 74
2007 Laws of Maryland
(e) For purposes of workers' compensation law or any other
employment benefit that would apply to an individual who is
performing a service for a public health laboratory under a
mutual aid AGREEMENT, THE :
(I) the individual is considered to have performed
that service in the course of employment as a state employee and in
the line of duty; and
(ii) the workers' compensation law or employment
benefit of the state that employs the individual shall be provided
by that state when an individual is performing a service in another
(f) Necessary expenditures made under a mutual aid
agreement or otherwise made under this section may be charged
against any State or local appropriations that are usually
available to a public health laboratory.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2007.
Approved by the Governor, April 10, 2007.
(House Bill 367)
AN ACT concerning
Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Primary Adult Care
Program - Selection of Enrollment in a Managed Care Organization
FOR the purpose of requiring certain enrollees in the Primary Adult Care Program
who become eligible for the HealthChoice Program to be enrolled automatically
in a certain managed care organization under certain circumstances; requiring
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to adopt certain regulations
relating to the selection of enrollment of an individual in a managed care
organization in the Primary Adult Care Program; making certain technical
corrections; and generally relating to managed care organizations and the
Maryland Medical Assistance Program.
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