2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Subdivision and development and zoning, scope and applicability of
Code provisions altered to except land leased and developed by the
County or Board of Education and certain pending and future
proceedings............................................................................................ 5406
Tanning salons, added as auxiliary use in C2-Commercial Office
Districts................................................................................................. 5403
Baltimore County -
Animal grooming facilities, definition added, and definition for dog
grooming facilities repealed; zoning provisions altered and added;
minimum water temperature requirement for washing animal
holding facilities, provisions added...................................................... 5425
Assisted Living Facility III, added as permitted use by special exception
in OR-2Zone........................................................................................ 5417
Basic Services Maps for sewerage, water supply, and transportation,
new maps adopted and old maps repealed............................................ 5416
Bowleys Quarters and Back River Neck areas, connection to public
water, requirements added.................................................................... 5413
Contractor's office or contractor's shop, permitted activities in the S-E
Zone, provisions altered........................................................................ 5431
Development projects, compliance of previously approved projects with
current law and current development procedural review process;
vesting; extension and expiration of plan approvals; and
recommendations regarding overcrowded school districts, provisions
altered and added................................................................................... 5415
Dog grooming facilities, added as permitted use in BL-CCC Zone
within a designated commercial revitalization district......................... 5416
Group child care center and nursery school, added as permitted uses by
special exception in the R.C. 6 Zone.................................................... 5429
Liquefied natural gas facilities and oil refineries, special exception use
in M.H. Zone, provisions added and amended..................................... 5421
Nonconforming use, termination by Zoning Commissioner, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5427
Panhandle lots in the South Perry Hall-White Marsh area, prohibited...... 5428
Planned unit developments, residential density restrictions amended....... 5418
Political campaign signs, location, erection, and removal, provisions
added and altered................................................................................... 5430
Recreational vehicle parking lot, permitted use zoning provisions added. 5426
Residential performance standards, adoption of manual of regulations to
implement, authorized........................................................................... 5424
Service garages, added as permitted use in M.L.R. Zone.......................... 5429
Tattoo or body piercing establishments, zoning restriction exception
added..................................................................................................... 5419
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