Martin O'Malley, Governor W
classified or unclassified service; and termination for cause of
classified employees, provisions added................................................ 5541
Treasurer, length of appointment and supervisor, provisions added.......... 5540
Montgomery County —
Days of commemoration for public employees for days with special
religious, ethnic, or cultural meaning, provisions added...................... 5448
Firefighters, requirements for advancement and promotion of members
of merit system, provisions altered....................................................... 5450
Home confinement and electronic monitoring program, formalized;
maximum length of community incarceration, increased..................... 5457
Services contracts that will adversely affect public employees,
requirements to be met before solicitation or award, and collective
bargaining requirements, provisions added.......................................... 5456
Queen Anne's County -
Public employees, including contractual and exempt service workers,
employment and benefit provisions amended; offices and personnel
who are State employees and not county employees, delineated......... 5386
Youth —
Prince George's County -
Youth Commission, established................................................................. 5484
Zoning and Planning —
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate public facilities for schools, length of time on waiting list,
termination date of provision extended................................................. 5399
Commercial revitalization areas, multifamily dwellings added as
permitted use; commercial use requirements added............................. 5400
County rights-of-way, permits for use for public works, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5406
Master Plan for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, 2003 update,
service level categories revised............................................................. 5397
Race tracks for horses, permitted conditional uses added.......................... 5397
Scenic and historic roads, use restrictions added; "Scenic and Historic
Rural Roads, 2006", map adopted......................................................... 5398
Scenic or historic road, definition altered; scenic or historic rural road,
definition and use restrictions added; official map entitled "Scenic
and Historic Roads, 2006", amended.................................................... 5401
Shore Erosion Control Districts, procedures established for amendment,
modification, and dissolution; Waterway Improvement Districts,
procedures established for amendment and modification..................... 5398
- 5663 -