2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Transit Oriented, Mixed Use/Transferable Development Rights
(TOMX/TDR) zone, established........................................................... 5479
Transit Oriented Mixed-Use (TOMX) zone, established.......................... 5466
Wheaton Retail Preservation Overlay zone, provisions altered................. 5476
Workforce housing units, requirements within a residential development
above a certain density in a metro station policy area, provisions
added...................................................................................................... 5475
Medicaid SEE Medical Assistance
Medical Assistance —
Montgomery County -
Montgomery Cares Program Advisory Board -
Conflict of interest and financial disclosure, requirements altered....... 5463
Medical Equipment SEE Equipment
Medicare SEE Medical Assistance
Metro SEE Mass Transit
Military SEE Armed Forces
Militia —
Howard County —
Police and Fire Employee's Retirement Plan, definitions added and
amended; limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
years of creditable service attributable to unused sick leave,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5443
Retirement plan, limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
eligibility for disability benefits while on a leave of absence for
military service, provisions altered....................................................... 5443
Millington (Kent and Queen Anne's Counties) —
Removal from office of member of Council, provisions added...................... 5548
Special assessments, procedure, provisions added.......................................... 5548
Write-in candidates, filing requirements added; cancellation of uncontested
election and certification of candidates, provisions added......................... 5549
Minorities —
Montgomery County -
Minority owned business purchasing program, provisions altered and
termination date extended..................................................................... 5446
Minors —
Anne Arundel County -
Solicitation of money or donations by a minor in a roadway, median, or
intersection, prohibited.......................................................................... 5410
Mobile Homes —
Baltimore County -
Recreational vehicle parking lot, permitted use zoning provisions added. 5426
Recreational vehicles, parking or storing on any street in a residential
zone, prohibited..................................................................................... 5423
- 5622 -