Martin O'Malley, Governor
Anne Arundel County -
Property Maintenance Code, new code and supplement adopted.............. 5408
Life Insurance SEE Insurance
Light Rail SEE Mass Transit
Loans —
Howard County -
Housing and Community Development, Department of, authorization
and required approval for departmental application for and awarding
of grants and loans, provisions altered.................................................. 5438
Lobbying —
Queen Anne's County -
Gifts from lobbyists, acceptance by county official or employee,
prohibitions added................................................................................. 5391
Lobbying requirements under the ethics law, provisions amended........... 5389
Local Governments SEE Municipal Corporations
Loch Lynn Heights (Garrett County) —
Election of town officers, provisions altered................................................... 5546
General obligation bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, issuance and
sale, provisions altered................................................................................ 5546
Loitering —
Montgomery County
Disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, prohibitions added................ 5453
Malls SEE Shopping Centers
Manchester (Carroll County) —
Mayor, Director of Finance, and Town Administrator, powers and duties,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5547
Manufacturing SEE Industry and Technology
Marinas —
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Martin's Addition (Montgomery County) —
Real property tax, levy requirement repealed.................................................. 5548
Mass Transit —
Montgomery County -
C-2 zone special development procedure to encourage transit related
development at sites within a Metro Station Policy Area outside a
Central Business District, provisions added......................................... 5471
Property located within or adjacent to a Central Business District,
classification in the Transit Station-Mixed (TS-M) or Transit
Station-Residential (TS-R) zones, provisions added........................... 5468
- 5621 -