Martin O'Malley, Governor B
Buildings SEE Public Buildings and Facilities
Buses —
Prince George's County -
Parking commercial buses, trailers, or heavy trucks on streets or
highways, restrictions and fine, provisions altered............................... 5487
Business SEE Commerce and Business
Cable Television —
Anne Arundel County -
Cable Franchise Act, previous acts repealed and new act enacted............. 5407
Howard County -
Secondary cable franchise classification for franchises that serve new
real estate developments, provisions added.......................................... 5443
Montgomery County -
Cable communications franchises, provisions generally amended............ 5460
Calvert County —
Chesapeake Beach -
Board of Elections -
Appointment of chairman, provisions added........................................ 5500
Duties, provisions altered...................................................................... 5501
Removal of members, provisions altered.............................................. 5501
Renamed from Board of Supervisors of Elections................................ 5500
Certificate of nomination for candidate for public office, and certificate
of candidacy, provisions altered............................................................ 5503
Certification of election results, provisions altered.................................... 5502
Election controversies, challenges, and recounts, resolution and appeals
to circuit court, provisions altered......................................................... 5503
Elections, penalty provisions repealed....................................................... 5505
Electronic voting machines, use authorized; hours that polls must be
open and standards for keeping polls open for additional time,
provisions added and altered................................................................. 5503
Mayor, first day of taking office after election, provisions altered............ 5505
Preservation of voting records, provisions, provisions altered................... 5504
Registration of voters, provisions altered................................................... 5502
Town Council, beginning day of term of office of members and day of
first meeting, provisions altered............................................................ 5505
Town elections, authority to regulate, provisions altered........................... 5504
Cambridge (Dorchester County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5498
Campaign Financing —
- 5581 -