2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Emmitsburg, budget submission deadline altered; explanatory message and
statement of anticipated capital improvement projects, requirements
added........................................................................................................... 5518
Frederick, budget filing location, altered......................................................... 5520
Building Codes —
Baltimore County -
Code enforcement, citations and correction notices and collection of
unpaid civil penalties, provisions altered.............................................. 5419
Charles County -
Automatic fire sprinkler systems, requirements added.............................. 5382
Dorchester County -
International Building Code and International Residential Code,
amended and adopted as the county basic building code...................... 5431
Howard County -
Various codes amended and adopted as the Howard County Building
Code...................................................................................................... 5442
Talbot County -
International Building Code and International Residential Code for One
and Two-Family Dwellings, 2003 editions, adopted as minimum
construction standards; supplements adopted....................................... 5487
Building Permits —
SEE ALSO Construction
Baltimore County -
Suspension or revocation, authorized when public health or safety is
endangered by lack of active construction............................................ 5427
Howard County -
In-aid-of-construction charge for water and sewer system facilities,
definition of "owner" clarified and payment provisions altered........... 5437
Montgomery County -
Adequate Public Facilities -
Determination for proposed land development, provisions altered...... 5447
Period of validity and extension of determination, provisions altered;
temporary provisions repealed......................................................... 5470
Energy efficiency and environmental design requirements for
non-residential and multi-family residential buildings, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5465
Water runoff drainage system requirements for building permits for
residential buildings on small lots, and stormwater management plan
requirements, provisions added and altered.......................................... 5462
Workforce housing program, established................................................... 5453
Wicomico County -
Development impact fees on new residential development, and public
school development impact fees, provisions added.............................. 5490
- 5580-