Martin O'Malley, Governor A
years of creditable service attributable to unused sick leave,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5443
Retirement plan, limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
eligibility for disability benefits while on a leave of absence for
military service, provisions altered....................................................... 5443
Art, Music and Cultural Affairs —
Montgomery County -
Procurement law exemption for goods or services purchased for
County-sponsored recreational activities and for obtaining
entertainment services, provisions added.............................................. 5455
Prince George's County -
Adult entertainment clubs, licensing and regulation of premises,
managers, and entertainers, provisions added....................................... 5485
Asbestos —
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Assessments —
Millington, special assessments, procedure, provisions added........................ 5548
Assisted Living —
Baltimore County -
Assisted Living Facility III, added as permitted use by special exception
in OR-2Zone........................................................................................ 5417
Atlantic Coastal Bays SEE Coastal Bays
Attorneys —
Queen Anne's County -
Ethics Commission, appointment of special legal counsel, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5390
Auditors and Audits —
Barclay, audit of town financial books and accounts, authority to determine
manner and frequency, provisions altered.................................................. 5493
Montgomery County -
Cable communications franchises, provisions generally amended............ 5460
Mountain Lake Park, audit of town financial statements, provisions altered.. 5549
Salisbury, deadline for city audit, provisions altered....................................... 5563
Automobiles SEE Motor Vehicles
Automotive Repair —
Baltimore County -
Service garages, added as permitted use in M.L.R. Zone.......................... 5429
Ballots —
Chesapeake Beach, preservation of voting records, provisions, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5504
Baltimore County —
- 5575 -