2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Salisbury, boundaries enlarged........................................................................ 5561
Sharptown, boundaries enlarged...................................................................... 5564
Smithsburg, boundaries enlarged..................................................................... 5565
Annual Leave SEE Leave
Annual Reports SEE Reports
Appeals —
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Chesapeake Beach, election controversies, challenges, and recounts,
resolution and appeals to circuit court, provisions altered......................... 5503
La Plata, town elections generally and terms of office of Mayor and Town
Council members, provisions revised......................................................... 5542
Rock Hall, election provisions pertaining to polling hours, voter residency
requirements and registration, councilperson age qualification, election
law violations, and appeal of decision of Board of Supervisors of
Elections, altered......................................................................................... 5559
Talbot County -
Board of Appeals, authority, powers, proceedings, and awarded relief,
provisions added.................................................................................... 5489
Appliances SEE Equipment
Appointed Officials SEE Public Officials
Apprentices —
Harford County -
Electrical Examiners, Board of, composition altered; revised Electrical
Code adopted; electrician licensing, registration, and regulation,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5434
Appropriations —
Kent County -
Emergency Services Board, established; appropriation and allocation of
funds for fire protection and emergency medical services, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5384
Arbitration —
Anne Arundel County
Cable Franchise Act, previous acts repealed and new act enacted............. 5407
Architectural Barriers SEE Disabilities
Armed Forces —
SEE ALSO Militia; Veterans
Howard County -
Police and Fire Employee's Retirement Plan, definitions added and
amended; limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
- 5574 -