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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4133   View pdf image
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Martin O'Malley, Governor S.B. 102
(1) compatible with the managing for results State comprehensive plan; or (2) consistent with the agency's mission if the goals identified in the
managing for results State comprehensive plan do not apply to the agency. (c) [With] EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS SUBTITLE, WITH its annual budget submission to the Department, an agency shall develop and submit
to the Department as part of the budget process a managing for results agency
strategic plan that shall include: (1) a mission statement; (2) a description of the agency's goals; (3) a description of the objectives and performance measures
implemented at the program level to achieve the agency's goals, including: (i) performance measure statistics for at least the 2 most
'recently completed fiscal years; and (ii) performance measure estimates for the current year
appropriation and budget request year; (4) a discussion of the agency's progress in meeting its goals and
performance measures and any challenges the agency has faced in working toward its
goals; (5) a description of the internal controls established to ensure
reliability of the data collected for each performance measure; and (6) an identification of the customers and stakeholders served. (d) An agency subject to this subtitle shall maintain documentation of the
internal controls established to evaluate performance measures that shall be subject to
review by the State, including the Office of Legislative Audits. (e) (1) The Department shall provide a report to the Senate Budget and
Taxation Committee and House Appropriations Committee in January of each year on
the contents of the State comprehensive plan and the State's progress toward the goals
outlined in the plan. (2) The report shall include details on each agency's progress.
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4133   View pdf image
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