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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4132   View pdf image
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2007 Vetoed Bills and Messages
S.B. 102
(ii) an input measure that quantifies the amount of resources
used to provide goods and services; (iii) an outcome measure that quantifies the results an agency
achieves or the benefits citizens receive from an agency's activities; (iv) an output measure that quantifies the amount of goods and
services produced by the agency; and (v) a quality measure that quantifies or describes: 1. the effectiveness of the agency in meeting agency objectives; 2. aspects of the satisfaction that customers may or may
not have with State goods or services; or 3. how State goods or services compare to some external or internal standard. (h) "State comprehensive plan" means a statement of goals which serve as a
broad directive for improving or making more cost effective State resources and
services. The plan shall include no more than 10 statewide goals and 50 to 100
performance measures that describe the statewide progress towards its goals. (i) "STATESTAT" MEANS THE ACCOUNTABILITY PROCESS DESCRIBED IN § 3-1003 (B) OF THIS SUBTITLE. [(i)] (J) "Strategic plan" means a statement of direction implemented by an
agency to carry out its mission. 3-1002. (a) The Department shall review and update as necessary: (1) the goals developed in the managing for results State
comprehensive plan; and (2) the plan's objectives and performance measures. (b) [On] EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS SUBTITLE, ON or before July 1 of each year an agency, in conjunction with the Department, shall select
no more than six agency goals that are:
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4132   View pdf image
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