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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4125   View pdf image
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S.B. 66
Martin O'Malley, Governor
FOR the purpose of authorizing certain electric cooperatives to supply their standard
offer service load through a portfolio of blended wholesale supply contracts of
short, medium, and long terms under certain circumstances; prohibiting the
Public Service Commission from setting or enforcing a certain termination date
for the procurement of certain supply; making this Act an emergency measure;
and generally relating to wholesale supply contracts and electric cooperatives. BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Public Utility Companies
Section 7-510(c)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1998 Volume and 2006 Supplement) SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows: Article - Public Utility Companies 7-510. (c) (1) Beginning on the initial implementation date, an electric
company's obligation to provide electricity supply and electricity supply service is
stated by this subsection. (2) Electricity supply purchased from a customer's electric company is
known as standard offer service. A customer is considered to have chosen the standard
offer service if the customer: (i) is not allowed to choose an electricity supplier under the
phase in of customer choice in subsection (a) of this section;
(ii) contracts for electricity with an electricity supplier and it is
not delivered;
(iii) cannot arrange for electricity from an electricity supplier; (iv) does not choose an electricity supplier; (v) chooses the standard offer service; or (vi) has been denied service or referred to the standard offer
service by an electricity supplier in accordance with § 7-507(e)(6) of this subtitle.
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4125   View pdf image
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