S.B. 62
2007 Vetoed Bills and Messages
County, the President of the County Commissioners for Somerset County, members of
the County Roads Board of Somerset County, or the President of the County Roads
Board of Somerset County shall take effect at the beginning of the next following term
of office.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2007.
May 17, 2007
The Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, today I have
vetoed Senate Bill 66 - Electric Cooperatives - Standard Offer Service Supply
This bill authorizes specified electric cooperatives to supply their standard offer
service load through a portfolio of blended wholesale supply contracts of short,
medium, and long terms under specified circumstances. The bill also prohibits the
Public Service Commission from setting or enforcing a termination date for the
procurement of supply through a specified managed portfolio.
House Bill 60, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed by me,
accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore, it is not necessary for me to sign Senate
Bill 66.
Martin O'Malley
Senate Bill 66
AN ACT concerning
Electric Cooperatives - Standard Offer Service Supply Contracts